Title: Love That's Waiting For Me
Author: LinneaKou
Beta: Liz
Fandom: Avengers (Earth-3490 and Earth-199999)
Rating: T for bad language and suggestive content
Word Count: 6889
Summary: No one ever told Steve that loving Tony Stark would be so hard.
Author’s Note: This is dedicated to Liz, who brainstormed the perfect Christmas gifts for everyone, as well as
Joan because she demanded MOAR. The theme song for this story is
There will be love there by the brilliant green (J-pop)
Spoilers: Spoilers for all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies (Earth-199999)
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nothing. The Avengers (ABENGERS!!!) belong to Marvel/Disney. New York belongs to the New Yorkers, please don't mess with them. They can be scary.
Someday I want to live for someone )