Can I just apologise for how long this took and how long i've been MIA these past 5 or so weeks.
i seriously can't apologise enough.
I had soo much work and exams to do, then I broke my fingers and couldn't type for very long.
And then to top it all off, when I finally got my fingers back, I got a HUGE writers block which was so bad i almost
Read more... )
I'm not quiete sure oif i already wrote a comment befor
could be that I didn't just started reading your story
and i love it <3
it's sooo amazing good
and I feel sooo sad for siwon and the others what hell they went through =(
this story is one of the best I've read
it has a really intressting plot,loveable charackters and really good writing.
it's not just about two persons falling in love and thats it
actually theiers no lovedovycouple here
and like that it's sooo much better !!!
you are a genius <3
take as much time as you need =)
if you need a month or two who cares
(of cours it's always better for us reader if you update quick)
but we will survive it if you need longer as löong as you don't stop pleasss don't stop pleaass pleeasss don't
*puppy eyes*
hope your fingers are all okay now
did you break them ??
that must have been a hard time.. =(
I wish you lot of motivation and inspiration to keep on writing ;)
lovly greeting from germany ;P
(yeah i'm from germany so pleas don't pay any attention to any mistakes =] )
I dont think You've commented before...but thank you so much :)
Awww! wow, your praise seriously means a lot to me.
there will eventually be a couple but they progress slowly with how troubled Siwon is.
Genius? Awww *blushes* thankyou so much.
I will try to be as quick as possible with my updates, injuries and work load allowing of course XD I did break my fingers but they are all healed now thankyou :)
Awww thank you so much for this lovely comment!
OHH! your German?! schön sie kennenzulernen! (did i get that right? It's been a while since i spoke German)
Thankyou VERY much for the wonderful comment.
and thank you for reading my fic :)
Vielen Dank!
wooooww you speak german
yeah you got that totally right =)
how come you learnd german ?
it always makes me kind of proud when i others lern "my" language becaue i think german is sooo difficult even i mess it up most of the time XD
no problem from now on i will comment every chapter =)
I also love your other storys <3
and to the slowly couple progress
ofcours siwon needs his time
with what the poor boy went through =(
but that's another reason why i like this story so much
so there's no rush =)
I learnt German in school. (as well as some french but i found French REALLY hard to pick up XD)
I'm not brilliant, I still get Grammatical errors when i write in German...and it doesnt always make sense XD hahaa.
WOO!!! Thank you so much :) I love commenters. Makes me feel happy :)
Awwww you've read my other stories?
The SiHan will happen eventually :)
Siwon will start trusting him and getting closer to geng soon XD Geng's main concern though is all what Siwon's been though (And the fact he's 17 years older then Siwon doesnt help XD)
I'm hoorible at grammatics my self
my teacher once even asked if i got some disorder
but i don't I'm just really really BAD !!
but i mean they changed the grammatic rules 3x during my school time how do they expect me to remember every change
just yesterday a frind and i were discussing what the plural from of scarf is wich in german means schal and we couldn't figure it out
so don't worrs we german ourself suck at german XD
17 YEARS !!! SO MUCH I thought maby 6 or 7 but 17 !!! that's a lot O_O
is Hangeng sure this isn't against law XDXD
how old is siwon in the story ?
and yeah i also read stuck in the middel and i also love it BUT i prefer this story because while reading this one I learn alot new english words there always some words i don't really know
and like i said befor i thinks it's reall unique that here isn't really a couple in the main focus ^^
but to the other story()where i will also comment from now on ^^):
Heechul bitch, how could they kiddnap hangeng O_O
i feel sooo sorry for him T_T
but i didn't read any of your oneshoots
i usally tend to not like them not because they are bad but because they are already over =(
XD maby i will read them another time =) let's see ^^
Saying that...I have trouble with English myself! XD
WOW! that must have been confusing O_O 3 times!!
Yes! 17 years haha. Han Geng is almost double Siwon's age.
Don't worry it is Legal XD Siwon is 18. Han Geng is 35.
Awww XD I'm glad you like Stuck in the middle...but yay! learning new english words :) I'm like a teacher! lol XD
Woo!! i will update that fic soon lol dont worry XD I just need some inspiration.
Awww do you not? I dont write many one shots..i cant get the inspiration for them haha, i like to write plots :)
ohhh 18 ohhh that's close to illegal ò_Ó
like i would care it's Shihan they're allowed to do everything ;P
35 well then he's some smocking hot 35 old men
i hope my husband well be atleast half as good looking as him when he's in the middle of his 30's XD
and yes you are my englih teacher thanks to you my english becoms better with every chapter =)
I hope the insperation soon hits you and knocks you out =P
no it should just give you some more good ideas =)
and to the oneshots i usally just prefer reading storys with plotts ^^
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