Title: Feel The Silence
Rating: PG-13 area at the moment. Will be NC-17 at some point.
Fandom: DBSK
Pairing: JaeMin
Warnings: AU, Bullying, Violence, Graphic Sex in later parts.
Summary: Changmin once again finds himself at a new school, having to make friends, get used to lessons and catch up just like always, yet this one soon turns out to be rather different as he meets a mysterious, beautiful boy who is unable to speak a word.
Part: 2 of ?
Some days Changmin really came to loathe his Military upbringing, his body dragging him out of his sleep before the sun had even considered rising over the tree tops, his muscles screaming at him, cramping up if he didn't partake in his normal workout. He had hoped that if he didn't train, his body would gradually become accustomed to the lack of Military drills every morning and evening, and simply turn back into a typical lazy teenage body and simply sleep till normal o'clock. But unfortunately his body still refused to work properly if he hadn't done his program of push ups, sit ups, crunches and a 2 mile circuit of their back garden.
So here he was, strolling to School in the early morning light, the world around him a rosy hue as he yawned in spite of himself. He had been on the phone to his best friend for hours the night previous, having gone on till the early hours about everything and anything, just to get it off his chest, the male on the other end of the phone remaining a silent ear for most of it, laughing, scoffing or adding his own input where necessary.
Hearing the tell tale rumblings of an engine nearby, Changmin raised his eye level from his Ipod clasped in his hand as he changed song to watch as a Maroon, average looking Saloon car drove past him, indicating further up the road before it pulled into the top of his School's driveway, engine switching off as it parked at the side. Frowning, Changmin continued walking, his curiosity taking an interest as he did, he had been so sure that he would have been the only student heading there at this time, but if it was a Teacher, why were they parking near the top of the drive?
Yet as the door opened, Changmin's questions were answered as a slender, petite framed boy climbed out of the main passenger seat, before ignoring the open door and pulling open the door behind it, lifting something off the dark upholstery, kicking it shut once he had what he needed, before waving at the driver.
“Jaejoong-sshi!” Changmin yelled, the hand not curled around his MP3 player lifting to cup around his mouth as he shouted, the blond male jumping visibly in shock before he spun round, wide eyes filled with panic until he spotted Changmin, the taller male now jogging down the street towards him.
However, as Changmin got closer, he slowed down slightly as the door on the opposite side of the car opened and a smartly dressed lady stepped out, and moved round to behind the bonnet, her eyes, so similar to Jaejoong's even at the current distance, darkening dangerously as she stared at him. Drawing to a halt on the other side of the driveway, Changmin blinked, the suspicion evident in her features preventing him from moving any closer, before he watched as Jaejoong turned round.
Snapping his fingers to gain his Mother's attention away from his new friend, Jaejoong placed his sketch pad between his knee caps as he signed something quickly to his Mother before she replied in very much the same way, the pair of them a blur of fingers until she merely nodded, shooting one last look at Changmin before climbing back into the driver's seat.
As his Mother drove away, a silent sigh escaped Jaejoong's lips as he slumped slightly, eyes turning to lock on the still waiting student behind him before he shuffled across to join him, shy delicate smile curling the corner of his lips as Changmin grinned at him.
“Who was that? And why did she look ready to skin me alive?” Changmin queried, eyes unfocused as he stared at the street corner the car had disappeared around in confusion, before it increased as he turned to look at the blond, who had lifted one delicate hand and was now tracing lines in the air with his finger. “I'm sorry, I don't get it.” he apologised before jumping slightly as cold slender fingers wrapped around his wrist, his Ipod plucked out of his palm and transferred to the other as Jaejoong carefully traced his soft fingertips across the skin of Changmin's palm in what appeared to be the same pattern as before, his steel eyes flitting between his palm and his face. Then it hit him, Jaejoong was drawing hangul. As he tried once again, Changmin watched his finger carefully, and smiled as he realised what Jaejoong had been trying to say to him.
“OH! She's your Mum?!” He exclaimed, smiling brightly as Jaejoong nodded his head twice before stepping back. “Well....I guess from what I saw yesterday, that she assumed I was coming over to pick on you?” Another two nods of the head. Well, it certainly explained why she looked ready to pounce, and when Changmin voiced this thought, he was rewarded with a silent laugh from the delicate male, his hand coming up to cover his mouth as he did so, Changmin oddly fascinated and saddened in equal amounts by the fact that a noise so simple and so common was inaudible from the blond.
Ten minutes later, the pair were pushing through the main doors into the school building, and heading down one of the side corridors to where the lockers were situated, Changmin humming incessantly to himself as he walked, ever so often throwing the odd lyric into his performance, too busy pulling the already huge pile of books out of his locker to see the wistful, reminiscent glaze slide over the silent boy's irises as he watched him.
“Aish!” Changmin hissed as he wrestled with his bag some minutes later, trying to fit his textbooks in, alongside his gym clothes and equipment already stuffed in their, huffing slightly as he glanced up to find Jaejoong hidden behind his own locker door, visible only from the torso down, yet if the shaking was anything to go by, currently in the throes of a silent laughing fit. “Oh...shush!” Changmin snapped, making sure to keep his voice normal so the other didn't think he was being serious, before he mentally face-palmed as he realised what he'd said, mismatched eyes scrunching up as he risked a glance up at the other male, until the blond simply shrugged at him as if to say 'I've had worse' and slid his locker closed, arms now wrapped tightly around the A3 sketchpad he'd plucked off the back seat.
“I'm sorry Jaejoong-sshi.” Changmin gasped, wincing slightly as he stood up to face the other male. “I-I guess I didn't think.” he added, before mentally smacking himself, how could he be so insensitive? Yet Jaejoong merely shook his head once more, before leading the way out into the main corridors once more.
It didn't take them long to reach their classroom, the pair of them slipping into their seats a good half an hour before the 'early' students were due to turn up, Changmin quickly pulling his notebook and pens out of his bag to prevent having to wrestle with them later, as Jaejoong pushed his sketchbook between the wall and his desk, plucking a small square box out of his bag, before that followed his book to the floor, turning sidewards in his chair, fixing his dark eyes on the other male as he fiddled with the box.
“You know, we need an easier way to communicate.” Changmin stated suddenly, pushing his chair back onto its hind legs, the back resting against the wall as he swung his legs whilst he thought. Jaejoong nodded in agreement, before smiling as an idea came to mind, hands raising to sign at the taller male, watching as the blank stare slowly morphed into understanding. “Sign language? I guess it would work. You and your Umma were using it earlier right?” Jaejoong nodded once more, before pulling three sticks of pocky out of the box he'd acquired from his bag earlier and slipped them into his mouth in one go.
“Ugh! How can you eat that at this time of the morning?” Changmin grimaced watching as Jaejoong merely shrugged and smirked impishly before clamping down on the confectionery, snapping the sticks in half. “I haven't eaten breakfast for years.” Changmin added with a small tilt of his head. “Probably why I ate so much at dinner.” he added with a small laugh, before he nearly choked as Jaejoong quickly pressed a stick of the dark chocolate coated biscuit into his mouth and almost down his throat, slapping at the other's hands as he went to take it out.
As Yunho arrived outside his classroom, he frowned as he heard laughter from inside, normally he was the second to arrive after 'the mute' yet as he pushed open the door, his eyes widened at the sight before him. Jaejoong was sat curled up on his chair, body shaking with silent mirth as Changmin laughed to the ceiling, hand clutching at his chest as he failed to catch his breath, voice ringing across the classroom as he repeated some sort of movement with his hand, and made a strange noise, before the pair seemingly crumpled once more.
“Yah!” Yunho exclaimed as he spotted the packet on the desk, lips twitching as his smirk threatened to break across his face when they both jumped, laughter dying as they shot him a deer-caught-in-headlights look. “Who said you could eat in class! It's against the rules!”
“Ah...Yunho-sshi, it's only pocky.” Changmin stated tilting his head to the higher rank male in respect, this in itself surprising Yunho who was used to new and old students alike bending almost double to pay him respect, but he was answering back as well, something he definitely wasn't used to. “Besides, lesson's don't start for another ten minutes. It's only in the rules that you can't eat in class.” Changmin added, leaning back lightly, eyes flickering to the now curled up male, head low, almost touching the tabletop as he faced the floor, as if trying to make himself as invisible as possible.
“I don't care.” Yunho shot back simply, marching across towards the corner pair, and ripping the packet away from them, ignoring the fact it was still half full as he crushed it in his hand, eyes blazing as he turned to fix his eyes on Jaejoong, smirking as the blond risked a glance upwards before disappearing once again even further as he spotted the class president's eyes on him. “I've a good mind to tell the teacher.” he stated walking towards the front of the classroom and tossing the carton into the bin, turning on his heel quickly as the sound of scraping chairs reached his ears. Eyes widening at the sight of Changmin on his feet, face dark, the only thing keeping him in place being the pair of hands clutching at his wrist.
“What's going on here?” the teacher questioned as she stepped into the room, taking in the scene before she focused on Yunho. “Yunho-yah?”
“No-Nothing.” he replied, bowing deeply and heading towards his seat. “Nothing at all.”
“Then both of you sit down and behave.” she snapped in response, indicating at Changmin to do so.
Changmin remained agitated for most of the first three lessons, Jaejoong having merely shook his head wide-eyed and pale when he'd questioned why the blond had grabbed hold of him when he'd gone to get the 'pocky thieving git', before lessons had started. He knew why it had happened, if it had been anyone else Changmin had been sat with Yunho wouldn't of paid a blind bit of notice, yet the fact Jaejoong was having fun and being a normal person seemed to aggravate most of the student body. Yet now he was running round the sport track, slowly working the tension out of his muscles as he built up a sweat, ignoring the fact he was a good six laps ahead of everyone else.
“Changmin-ah! That'll do for your warm up, how about you sit out whilst the rest finish?” the sport teacher called as the refreshed male nodded before stepping off the track area. When he had walked into sport, he was happy to find there wasn't a single student he hadn't already been introduced to, meaning he could skip the embarrassment of having to introduce himself once again. Yet as he mused, he spotted someone sitting across the field in the shade of the performance building, blond hair shimmering in the light breeze, bent over what appeared to be his sketchbook, facial features just about identifiable as he kept looking up and around before turning back to his book. He had almost forgotten Jaejoong had a free.
Hearing his name, Changmin turned his back on the drawing male and blinked in confusion at the short male stood before him, eyes shimmering, a light, nervous smile across his lips as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.
“Yes? Sorry....did you say something to me?” Changmin queried smiling slightly to put the smaller male at ease, trying to work out whether he'd spoken to the male before and should know his name or not.
“Ah, no. I just...I finished my laps so I thought I'd come and say hello. You looked lonely.” the smaller male replied scratching at his light brown locks as he giggled, the pitch of which caused Changmin to wince slightly.
“Oh, that was generous of you.” Changmin responded before pausing, there was something about the male that looked familiar, yet he was positive the last time he'd seen the male, he'd been picking on Jaejoong yesterday morning. But, he was also positive his hair had been a different colour. “Umm...sorry I'm afraid I don't know your name.”
“Oh! Kim Junsu.” The boy replied, face splitting into a toothy grin as Changmin nodded to him. “I thought I'd already said that.” he added with a rather loud eukyangkyang laugh that almost had the taller man stepping back in fear for his sanity.
“Junsu-sshi, you don't happen to have a brother do you?” Changmin queried, head turning back towards the blond who was now sat looking straight at him.
“Yes, I have a twin brother. I've been told we look rather alike.” Junsu replied craning over the taller male's neck to see what he was looking at. “Although I made him dye his hair red so we didn't get confused any more. Why'd you ask?”
“Because he was terrorising a friend of mine yesterday morning.” Changmin stated, voice flat as he turned back, pleased to see that Junsu at least had the decency to look ashamed.
“Ah~ yes, he does that a lot. I tell him not to. I don't want him getting in trouble.” Junsu stated, Changmin just about to question whether he was at all concerned about Jaejoong's feelings, before being cut off as the pair of them were called back over by the teacher, Junsu heading straight across to stand beside Yunho, the class president merely slinging an arm around the small shoulders before the pair began to talk in hushed whispers. He should of known really.
“So this is where you hide then?” Changmin questioned as he stepped up beside Jaejoong some time later, pausing as the blond jumped in shock and nearly fell off his knees face first into the ground as he turned to see who was there. “It's only me.” Changmin added with a smile, raising his hands in the universal sign of surrender.
Jaejoong visibly slumped as he relaxed back, sliding his sketchbook shut before shifting so he was sat crossed legged looking up at the newest student, head tilted to a side as if to question why he was there.
“I saw you whilst I was in sport, and after I finished I came to see if you were still here, it's lunch.” Changmin answered, guessing what the other had wanted to say, before he seemingly dropped to the floor in a pile of limbs as Jaejoong pointed at his bag, his lunch box just visible in the opening. “Oh! Good. I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the canteen for something, but since you already have something, It doesn't matter.” he stated as he stretched out beside the blond, placing his bag behind his head as he laid down, hands resting behind his head, eyes slipping closed against the midday sunlight.
Jaejoong sat and watched curiously, before reaching over and lifting his lunch from within his bag, and started to idly pick at it, wide eyes fixed on the relaxing male, now Changmin didn't have his blazer on, his short sleeved shirt exposed his well defined biceps, and strong forearms, his arms pulled up behind his head causing his shirt to tighten across his chest revealing the strong abs the taller male possessed, easily visible despite the cotton cloaking them.
Shaking his head, Jaejoong glanced away and continued eating, forcing his vision down to his legs not even looking up when Changmin shifted and pulled his own lunch out of his bag and started eating, trying his hardest to ignore the taller's presence as best he could. However, once he'd finished and packed his things away, Jaejoong pulled a folded piece of paper out of his bag and pushed it towards Changmin who paused mid mouthful to look at it curiously, chopsticks still half way to his mouth.
“What's this?” Changmin asked, before carefully putting his lunch down as Jaejoong indicated for him to open it. It was a note, scribbled in what the new student was getting steadily familiar with as Jaejoong's rather shaky handwriting.
I was wondering if you wanted to come back to mine tonight and we could start on the science project ideas? If you don't want to or have other plans then it's fine.
“Oh! I'd love to come round. I've nothing planned, I'll be on my own till late anyway.” Changmin replied before smiling slightly as Jaejoong tilted his head in question, long hair sliding off his shoulders as he did so. “My half-sister lives at her own Mother's house during the week for school, my step-mum will be out gallivanting somewhere and my Father won't be home from work till late.”
Jaejoong frowned, from the way Changmin spoke, it seemed as if the boy had been coming home to an empty house for years, a concept he couldn't grasp, he had always come home to find his Mother waiting with a smile and a snack, or his Father had picked him up from school and driven him home. Back when his Father was still around that is. Indicating for Changmin to turn over the page, Jaejoong shook his head, thinking about those kind of things weren't good to do at school.
Stop speaking so formal to me. It makes me feel awkward.
“Sorry.” Changmin smiled as he read the hastily scrawled postscript on the back. “Jaejoong Hyung.” he added, smiled widening at the bright smile he received in response, before watching curiously as another piece of paper was handed to him, this one causing him to laugh as he gazed amusedly at the different diagrams of the basic letters and words that were easy to sign out, each little movement carefully drawn out. Allowing Jaejoong to take the paper back, Changmin fixed his eyes on the elder as he pointed to one of the signs, finger tracing along the movement lines he'd drawn, before he acted out the sign so Changmin could see how it was supposed to look. The younger male touched at the trouble the blond had gone to, to help him learn sign language. Yet, it was for his own benefit in the end, Changmin realised, heart clenching slightly.