Nov 20, 2010 16:22
God my brother can be a lazy litle shit sometimes! Fine ok he's a teenager but that's not a fucking excuse sometimes!
Here we are stuck in the middle of a houce move with the date of the move now looking hopeful for this coming Wednesday and all he does is fuck around on his computer! My mum and I spent all morning emptying shelves and then deconstructing the shelves for transport and he does nothing!
Then my mum offers to help him start packing his room and guess what?! Bt the time we call that task off for the day he's sat on his bed playing guitar and my mum has dragged me in to help! Me and mum packing my fucking brothers room for him! WTFH?!
Then he has the nerve to ask for a lift to Crook so he doesn't have to get 2 buses to town! Hello?! We're fucking packing here! Don't you think having you around to help would be a good thing?! In less than a week you'll be within walking distance of fucking town?! Stop being such a selfish dickhead and help for once without being pressganged into it!
And then the inevitable happens. My mum gives and says she'll give him a lift if he washes the dishes and sends a note to our grandparents...who incidently just sent him £100! He has just over an hour to do both these tasks....and with 20 minutes left he still hasn't done either!
And then HE gets pissed at ME when I yell at him and tell him to move his lazy ass! Fuck sake! I feel like smacking him sometimes! He's the worst worker ever! Jesus he never does ANYTHING off his own accord and when we do ask him to do something, usually just the washing up, he acts as if its the end of the fucking world!
Jesus! If you don't like doing chores move the fuck out! Honestly mum and I will be so much less stressed without you around you prat! I can say one thing, when he gets back tomorrow he can bet his bottom dollar that he isn't going out AT ALL until after the move. If he thinks we are doing it all for him he's gonna get a fucking shock.
God I'm tired!