An explanation for the multitude of posts...

Sep 22, 2009 03:17

Wow LJ, long time no chat!

If you didn't yet put it together, I started a new blog recently. I FINALLY figured out wordpress's weird xposting plug-in thing, so that's why there's a ton of posts from me right in a row (on my fl at least all of them are being displayed right in a row even though I back-dated them o_o sorry about that.) I setup the new blog to xpost everything here, since I want to keep up with all my long lost lj buddies...I miss you guys!

The new blog was inspired by my move from Alaska to Savannah. I'm starting Grad School at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD if you're classy) in Animation...YAY! For anyone who might remember, that was part of my intention on moving to Alaska, hunker down and get materials and portfolio together for grad school application. Exciting news is that it WORKED :D So here I is, all moved in and cozy in hot, humid Savaaaaaaanah Geee-awgia. The program so far is....a bit intense, lol. Up to now I've been a strictly 2D guy, and they've got me learning Maya, so that's a bit intimidating and daunting...though I'm actually having fun with it.

In other news, for anyone who hasn't seen posted elsewhere, I'm overhauling leveL, both website-wise and character design. I'm gonna kick back up (where I left off) with a new look to the comic that's a bit my own style. We'll see how much time Grad School affords me, but the situation down here in Savannah is much different than it was when I was in art school in Ohio in that I don't have to work 3 jobs while I'm in school. YAY. This has thus far afforded me the time to devote to this pet project...I dunno how intense things are gonna get down the line but I'm hoping to keep the leveL dream alive....the new character designs are really invigorating and inspiring to me and make me want to work on the comic more :D I'm excited to take people places with it again :3

On top of the new blog entries, I'll probably still post personal content here separately (I'm trying to keep the other place mostly professional). So keep an eye out for your local Nate to be hangin around more :D

So how is everyone here I haven't spoken to in months? :O

level, scad, lj, sketchblog, animation, life, savannah

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