
Jan 25, 2009 20:29

My news, in short, is that I have decided to apply for Graduate school in Animation, I'm taking the semester off from CCAD, and I'm going to be in Alaska until May to work and save money.

I guess the whole thing started at the beginning of break. With newly found love for animation, I e-mailed my prof to ask about some free software to use over break. This started a talk between us in which he suggested to me that I apply for Graduate school.

Now, until this point I had already been thinking of taking the semester off to earn money. School is expensive and I work 3 jobs on top of a full time courseload just to break even. I don't mind doing that, I love school...but it has been bugging me that I'm working towards a second Bachelor's and not a Master's. I always justified this saying that I was getting training I wouldn't get in a Master's program, plus I didn't have the portfolio yet to get accepted to a Grad program. Well, my prof told me basically that I am ready with the work I have to be accepted and said nice things about me being talented and tailored to succeed. Considering the guy went to UCLA for his Master's and worked for the Simpsons, I decided to take him at his word.

So this set in my mind that I need to focus on applying and fast....some of the programs he suggested have rolling admission, but some are due by the end of February (which is actually pretty late for grad school). This brought up the question of what to do about next semester at CCAD. Like i said before, I love school and all the people there and what i learn, so I didn't really want to just give it all up. However, Grad school can be even more expensive than undergrad, so I need to earn money. I decided to start looking for a full-time job, not really sure yet what to do about the semester.

This all just so happened to take place right as I was about to leave for a 2 week trip to Alaska. Upon informing Patrick, whom I was going to visit, it was suggested that if I really wanted to save money I should look for work up there. Jobs in Alaska pay a lot more, and Patrick's mom was looking to rent a room for $200 a month for the winter. My initial reaction was to laugh at him, but then I thought about it. My lease on my house in Columbus had just ended and I had moved out and was planning to spend the next semester at home. Basically, I was no-strings-attached to Columbus. I decided despite sounding totally crazy that this actually wasn't a bad idea, and how sweet would it be to live in Alaska for awhile. I said I'd come up and see if i could find a job, but if nothing turned up by the time I was to leave, it would be back to Ohio with me.

Well, two weeks went by, I applied for work, had a couple interviews but didn't hear anything. I packed to leave for home. Then, the night before I left, an avalanche put the road to Anchorage out of service and the weather wouldn't let me fly. I had to change my ticket for Sunday and miss the first week of school. This lack of success with employment kinda made me decide I would have less luck with things in Columbus, and it might be better to go to school afterall. I e-mailed professors, told them I'd be a week late but to count me in.

Cut to the next day.

I get two job offers.

One, a full time position at a bank and the second a part time tutoring job at the local College. Basically, I banked. These jobs were offering a lot of money. I fretted and fretted about whether to go back or not for the whole week, and finally decided this opportunity was kind of once in a lifetime. Earn money, live in Alaska, ski for free, be inspired out of your mind by the beauty of the place. life experience ftw. I decided to stop being a baby about it and do something crazy. Worst that'll happen is I hate it and fly home early, proceeding to jobhunt. If I don't get into Grad school I'll just start up again next fall at CCAD and finish the degree.

So here we are. I'm finishing up grad applications, starting work next week, missing folks in Columbus, but feeling excited about the next few months and beyond. CCAD is great and awesome, I'm looking forward to being back home in the spring and seeing all my friends again, but for now I'm gonna adventure for a little bit.

Deep breath. Here I go.
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