Feb 05, 2006 04:56
i've found that a big part of growing up is realizing that some people are really really not going to like you.
i only know of two people that feel that way about me. one i deserve, and i hold a large amount of remorse for, and one that i dont.
another part of growing up is acepting your failures and the failures of others without insult, depression, or agression.
another is that in life some friends you want to keep and some you feel a need to but weather you have a friendship that keeps isnt altamitly your desicion. and that if you need to take a brake from a friend or a group of friends is because you skrewed up... but you shouldnt take it for to long regardless
other fun facts on my mind,
those that enjoy life are those that are happy to be alive
nomater who your intrested in or dating.... in your mind that's the one you'll marry.
not saying im even considering it, but i have no idea how someone breaks up with someone after years of dating, i've heard it done but it's hard to picture. the way i look at it, even if we wanted to stop something people like me or danny are kinda in it for the long hall.
why do christians have such a huge problem with gay cupples getting "married" but not notbelivers. i dont feel we have a right to limet them but i do feel like they are taking something sacrid to us and hurting it...... so what i would like to see is a union but not it to be called a marriage. the big question is why dosnt it offend me when to nonbelivers take vow's to a God they dont belive. same offense for the most part
another thought is that i cant think of anyone who would really wants to read this exept for kealy but she's leagly bound to support me in the pointless. however i am forced to mention if you have read this far thank you.... it's good to be heard...
and im doing fine, im happy and fairly satisfied, working on that with the big man though. me and kaely are wonderfull but truely out of my best friends of which i have 2-4 all are away and that's kinda throwing me off. sam's in africa for 60some days and i've never really bin withought him in like 3 years.... that's funny, and so not manly. huh, i can live with not manly though..
happy supper bowl sunday everyone....may you enjoy large quantitysof pig's in blankets
oh yes and for some reason i feel the urge to give a shout out to alec and danny, for being realy great guys.. danny more then alec (oh conflect for the room mates, you big gay's), niki who's birthday is coming up and keeper who keeps it on the homefront.
linkers link for the day