andie2789: make up a two second story off the top of your head
andie2789: go
letthebloodpour: once upon a time in a far off land a king was eating cheese and had to go the bathroom and had constipation and it clogged uo his system and he died
letthebloodpour: the end
letthebloodpour: ?!?!?
andie2789: thank you... thats the plot for the movie luca and i will go make now
andie2789: brb
letthebloodpour: !?!?!?
letthebloodpour: WHAT?!?!?!
letthebloodpour: NONONONONONO
letthebloodpour: that plot sucks!
andie2789: then make a new one
letthebloodpour: ummmm
letthebloodpour: okok
letthebloodpour: there were two lesbians in France thaat got separated in the airport b/c one went to Japan by accident when they were supposed to go to Italy which the other lesbian did go on
letthebloodpour: idk??!?!?!
letthebloodpour: I'M NOT GOOD UNDER PRESSURE!
letthebloodpour: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
letthebloodpour: *cries*
andie2789: lol
andie2789: take your time
letthebloodpour: ummmmmmm
letthebloodpour: well you could use that one I guess
letthebloodpour: but idk
letthebloodpour: being it is you r cousin...
letthebloodpour: ummmmm
letthebloodpour: okokook
letthebloodpour: I'll try agian
andie2789: lol
letthebloodpour: two explorers in the jungle trying to find the almighty emerald of Yore which has the magical properties to create frozen yogurt of any flavor
letthebloodpour: but they get separated
letthebloodpour: one falls into a ditch which is an entrance to an underground catacome labrynth
letthebloodpour: and the other is taken captive by an almost microscopic civilization of extrodinary strength
letthebloodpour: and you can use your imagination for the rest
letthebloodpour: that good!?!?!?
andie2789: yes
letthebloodpour: haha srsly?
andie2789: the microscopic civilization and underground catacome labrynth will be hard to film but sure haha
letthebloodpour: well you can use little figures
letthebloodpour: and pretend to be dragged and stuff
letthebloodpour: and the underground thing just go somewhere really dark and scary and try to amek it all undergrouny
letthebloodpour: haha I made up a work
letthebloodpour: *word
letthebloodpour: haha
letthebloodpour: whatever
letthebloodpour: I'm weird
letthebloodpour: ............
andie2789: youre cool
letthebloodpour: haha no
... 0_0