Survey Because I'm So0o Bored!

Jun 03, 2005 08:00

a n g e r section.

do you have a quick temper?: yeah my temper is alot better, but it can be worse at some times than others, depending on what gets me angry
what do you do when you're mad?: well i normally start screaming and sometimes i cry, but one time i got really upset and started hitting on the door and wall in my room and it cut and bruised my knuckles
what's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: i took it out on my parents through arguing or i hit the door and wall in my room which bruised and cut up my hand and knuckles
if you can take back time, would you have never done this?: yeah i think i really would take it back and especially the arguing with my parents when i get angry because i feel so0oo bad afterwards and its all done finished so0oo i go and apologize
ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: not sure but i think i have made people cry before when i was mad because i told them some mean things that they didn't even deserve to hear at all, but i normally don't do that, i normally hold all the anger in, and not say mean things, so i don't hurt anyone's feelings
ever physically hurt someone when you were mad?: nope, i don't think i ever fought with anyone, and never once did i lay a hand on my parents, or would i be hurt, lol, but i did get in fights before when i got mad, but i never started them, i always got in them because someome said something then through the first punch or push, and i started fighting back
do you curse when you're mad?: yeah, i use to curse like all the time, but now i normally only curse when i'm really angry, or if i hurt myself, lol

c r y i n g section.

when was the last time you really cried your heart out?: not really sure, because lately i have been in a good content mood, thank goodness, because i'm normally depressed and stuff, but probably a week ago i guess, because i didn't feel good or something went wrong i think
ever cried yourself to sleep?: yeah i have done that before and it sucks, and i did it about a few weeks ago too, but now i'm doing okay about that problem i think
ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yeah i have, but i don't do that anymore, because i cry by myself most times, while in my room
ever cried over the opposite sex?: i think i have, but i try not to, because i don't wanna feel like a lil baby or anything, so i cry by myself or try to most times
do you cry when you get an injury?: when i was little i did, now i normally scream, lol, or curse, lol, but if it's really bad, i might have tears in my eyes, but i don't normally cry
do certain songs make you cry?: yeah, many songs make me cry, and some has always made me cry since a lil kid, and now they have some that recently make me cry because of like memories and stuff i guess
can you make yourself cry?: yeah, but i have to think really negative and stuff, not really make myself cry, but it does make me cry, and that is a way that does make me cry kinda quickly, or tear up, because that is what i've been down about lately, except the past few days

p a i n section.

what's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through?: not really sure, because i didn't lose anyone that close to me, but i lost quite a bit of friends, and like alot of things have changed and it kinda hurts me, because of all of that and stuff
what's the worst thing you've done to yourself?: well i have cut myself before, but that is about it, and like put things on me, but let us not go to that part of it
what's the worst thing you've done to somebody else?: i took out all of my anger/frustration/sadness and it was all negativity on my parents and on my friends, and i complain to my friends alot too and i really do feel bad, but sitting at home all the time it kinda goes through my head a lot
ever had a painful break up?: not really, but sort of, because i broke up with someone, and then ended up wanting them back and all, then thank goodness we aren't together anymore, i'm happy without that person
what about the old 'pain for pleasure'?: i know i am not going back to that, because i will end up some where i don't wanna be, and hurt people around me, and myself in the long run
how depressed can you get?: sometimes i get so0oo depressed i don't eat, and i get sick, and start to vomit from crying so0oo much, then i just cry and scream loud, and refuse to talk and everything because i don't know what to do anymore, at times
do you inflict pain on yourself?: i use to do that at one time, but i quit that, and won't do it again

h a p p y section.

are you normally a happy person?: i am like happy, but deep down i start thinking about the negative and depressing stuff that happened to me, and stuff, and get depressed
what can make you happy?: family and friends most of the times, unless i'm really down then it takes them alot to make me happy
do you wish you were happier?: yeah sometimes i do, but i mean you can't be too happy, because then that would be sick, but i think i'm pretty content
what makes you the happiest?: being around family and friends who really care and are fun and in a good mood and stuff
is being happy overrated?: it's not overrated, but if your too happy, i might get sick, lol
what about being with your friends, does that make you happy?: yeah, but i don't have alot of friends, that is why alot of times im depressed and stuff
can music make you happy?: sometimes it does, depending on what im listening to, i suppose

l o v e section.

how many times have you had your heart broken?: never really, but i dumped someone, and was sad about it more than they were
do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others?: heck no lol
have you ever loved someone so much, that you'd die for them?: yeah i have or still do i think
did you ever love a guy, tell them that, and only got 'thanks' as a reply?: nope, sure haven't because that would be sucky, and depressing lol
ever loved someone so much, it hurt and made you cry?: yeah sure did and sometimes i still cry for people
has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?: yeah sure have, but i doubt that they actually meant it
ever stopped a relationship because they didn't say 'i love you'?: nope sure didn't

h a t e section.

who do you actually hate?: nobody, i just dislike people, but i think people hate me really
ever made a hit list?: nope sure haven't
have you ever been on a hit list?: i have no clue
are you a mean bully?: no, and if i was i'm sorry
do you hate any one that breaks your heart?: nope
do you hate George Bush?: nope

s e l f - e s t e e m section.

is your self-esteem extremely low?: yeah i do, and it sucks
do you believe in yourself?: sometimes i guess yeah
when people say they think you are pretty, do you deny you are?: yeah, because i don't think i am at all
are you one of those idiots that think they are ugly, dumb, and fat?: kinda
are you happy with who you are?: i guess, but sometimes i'm not
do you wish you can be someone else?: nope, i don't wish to be anyone else though
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