Jul 19, 2004 21:08
damn... i havent written in here for soo long. well it isnt that long. wekll alot of shit has happened these past weeks. i knwo have a job for the week, i work at malibu kitchen. its fun. haha. i dyed my hair again haha, i cant leave my hair alone ever. I love doing somethign different. these girls that i knwo are so dramatic, plus there years behind me emotioanlly and mentally! yea i knwo that im only 18 but seriously my number isnt my age, i feel so old most of the time, liek spitiually i feel thaqt im 30 haha. still smokin my cancer stix. i have this horrible headache ahh i hate that no matter how many pills u take the head ache wont go the fuck away!! omg 6;30 in the mournign tomorrow ahhh!! i dotn wnat to get up that early! i have to open. boo - hoo no more sleeping in folks!!i miss this guy named brian, i lost his number its been about lil over year now since i last talked to him but hes on my mind and i miss him so much! honeslty he was the greatiest guy! he was alot of fun we were crazy. we were too pods in a pan! I MISS YOU BRIAN I HOPE YOUR DOING GOOD! LOVE YOU BUNCHIES!1 SMOOCHES HEADED YOUR WAY WHEREVER YOUR AT! payce out