Title: Bloodlust
Author: Me (Ashley)
Rating: R
Summary: What happens when you get a Buffy obsessee and an LP obsessee? Vamp!Chaz, that's what!
Pairing: Mike/Chaz
Dedication: I dedicate this to two people. First is
conzie, who wrote the only vamp!Chaz fic that I am aware of. You rock, girl! \m/ Secondly is my Licia,
magickitty28 -- even though I'm pretty sure she won't read this due to the fact that it's slash, she was one of the few people whom I could gush about Buffy to. Luv you, muah.
Author's Note: This is drabble. Meaning, I wrote it in the time span of about 5 minutes and wasn't really paying attention to what came out. Pure not-too-terribly-graphic smut, but smut none the less. Oh, and I promise this has nothing to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, for those of you who might have been worried.
You felt those icy cold hands upon your body and felt all other emotion bar lust leave you. Those alabaster hands that you only caught quick glimpses of in the darkness, leaving no inch of your dark skin unexplored.
You fell what seemed an eternity until you landed in a sea of black silk. Your back arched in need as the demon covered you with his own lean, chilly body, sliding those hands across your dark, heated flesh. Your body completely surrendered to the deity above you, and you hardly recognized the voice begging for contact as your own.
You felt those blood-red lips, softer than the silk below you. They seemed to be everywhere, coupled with an amazing tongue that tasted you fervently.
Those hands again, removing your clothing, leaving you completely exposed. Rubbing you gently, smoothing the skin.
You knew that you was swollen. You could feel the burn all throughout your body. It clouded your thought but sharpened your senses. And as one of those hands closed around you, you felt those glistening fangs penetrate deep within your throat.
You screamed in delight.