scheule/ things ive been doing

Jul 20, 2004 21:03

uhhh......lets see what where i last left was fridy i believe...and saturday i think that was when me and mike went to omars house...yes..that was it...we went to omar house and went swimming and stuff, we got got kinda bored and omar smashed his cousins lava lamp and yea..that was fun...when we got home...we played poker and lost!!!..badly!! then sunday charlie came over and we hung around and stuff...just doing whatever, then yesterday while playing wiffle ball...mike, reese and frank came over and we hung out in mike basement and stuff...then reese went to get something in mikes pool and fell over soo..he went swimming and then faria and frank went with him..then they played super smash brothers and stuff..then today we went and saw mikes cousin alfred..and hes really cool and lives in florida so when we see him we always do fun we went to the beach and me and alfred picked up like 2 girls and then another 2 after that..the 2nd pair of girl were nice and there was this one that was wicked hawt and had a nice ass..and i swear if i wasnt gay.....(jk) but it was fun...then we went back and had pasta and stuff and then we now im here and tomorrow is a week from when i im kinda bummed but also excited to see my friends in az again and get my drum set and when i get back, me and jason are gonna pick up chicks and we want you to go out with jason n' christof and only you can prevent date rape....haha..jason said to put well update in a few days...
well here's my schedule for next year

per 1 ap euro history
per 2 spanish 3-4
per 3 honors english 3-4
per 4 sales and marketting
per 5 honors bio
per 6 honors geo
if anyone know what lunch i have tell me cause i dont know what classes have what lunch and let me know if we got any classes together..well ttyl ppl
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