blue skies, broken heart, next 12 exits

Apr 20, 2004 19:47

hmm.....if u dont know....i HAD a girlfriend for the past 10 months back a billion miles away in ri. and things were going good and i saw her at x-mas time and im flying back next month and im gonna see her for her b-day and all that fun stuff. and then she goes to florida for a week and i didnt talk to her at all cause i was busy all week w/ track and hw and all kinds of crap. so then friend fatty calls my cell when im at kjellys house and tells me he needs to talk to me. at this point im thinking crap..something is gotta be wrong here. so he finally tells me that liz wants to break up w/ me. and im like...ok....and it really didnt strike me. and when i got home later that night...he told me to check my email..and that it was from liz...i ended up reading it in the morning and it says..

"Hey chris...i had talked to andrew today and he told me u were at someones house for the week but i need to talk to u... we always said we would be honest and tak about how we feel and i just feel like... idk, i love u soo much i do.. but if we keep doing this arent we always just gonna be waiting for 5 months to see eachother? if u were here we woulkd have the greatest thing ever but its so hard and tiring to have to wait..i really love u but we havent been talking latley either and idk if u feel the same way too.. please call me if u want.. i didnt know if u wanted to talk about this on the phone and i didnt want to put u in an uncomfortable position talking about it on the phone.. u can call tho, it wont be easy for me either but...i just dont know what to do anymore. the distance sucks...

after that i just wanted to talk to her and figure everything out and get the details in place. track was tiring that day and i couldnt think straight and all i could think about was what if we broke up and how much that would suck ass....when i got home...i got on the computer and finally talked to her. she said that she didnt want to wait every five months to see me and that when she was in florida, she saw all these couples together and happy and shit. i didnt want to wait every five months to see her..but i did. then she went to bed and all.

then today i talked to her again and it seemed like she wanted some excuse to get out of this relationship for some reason. i dont know the reason, but i have a good idea. and she said she wanted to "take a break" and all this stuff. it seemed to me she wanted to date another guy. and andrew told me that she said that she did like another guy and didnt want him to tell me....but he did(what a pal) and just things went all weird and shit...after all that she wanted a i gave her one. and thats the end of that. and u might think im all sad..and i am to an extent..but andrew the great friend he is got me my "replacement" which happens to be a poster!! yippie...a naked girl with a bud towel on and her boobs works for im happy with that....and the irony of it was our 10 month anniversery too..o well.....ill see what happens out for now...probably gonna eat and watch a track meet tomorrow all day...yippie!!..ok..bye now
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