Jan 11, 2009 23:03
omg I had a great birthday. It was simple but funn. I got balloons && my ray bans ive been wanting =]&& extremely cute/special bracelet from my boyfriend && went to dinner with my family with boyfraaaaan.
then this weekend has been filled to the RIM. first I went to a club on friday. woot! woot!
It was IN-CREDIBILE. it was for deanna's 18th birthday cause her cousin owned the club. it was a HOTT night club with a line && everything && we just walked right in. I got her a REALLY expensive bracelet from tiffany's && other dorky stuff =]
saturday was the BEST though...........I GOT MY TATTOO FINALLY. it is extremely cute. its a flower && snake kind of tribal look. pictures are on myspace. all I know is that it HURT LIKE HELL. I basically almost broke my boyfriend's hand cause I was squeezing so hard. all I have to say is that it was WORTH IT. I cant wait to get another one. I love having art on my body. the detail in my tattoo just gives me so much respect for tattoo artists. I wish I were more atristic so I could be one.
sunday I spent at my boyfriend's family's house && then we saw the unborn, which was quite a disappointment =/
GREAT weekend. I wonder what the next weekend has in store for me.
cant wait til january 31st PART-AY =]