Crazyness to ensue.

May 22, 2008 11:08


So the other night working on Riptide stuff, our CXIs (color-changing head fixtures you add standard lights) took a dump. At least 3/4 of our inventory were showing fixable errors that we upped and fixed. However, as soon as we'd fix one, another would wig out, and then the previous one we had just fixed would go cookoo bananas on us as well. Long story short, it sucked and we ended up chalking it up to there was too msny head fixtures to the total feet of cable ran limit.

that is all with that bit. i'd like to go into more detail about said stuff, buuuuut it would be long winded and i doubt many here would understand half of what i'm talking about. . .

I am annoyed by my Searscard. i registered for online payments so i wouldn't have to worry about snail mail and what have you. well, after enrolling, i attempted to make a payment (which at that point was at least three to four days over due, doh) and the payment was not accepted. i browsed around the error screen to see what the deal was, and like wow, it takes at least six business days after enrolling for online payments for you to be even able to make such transactions. Really??? every company that i've dealt with so far that have such programs were more or less instantaneous and allowed me to pay my bills the day of giving bank info and enrolling. it is stupid and bass ackwards. you want my money, but you also don't want me to pay you on time? you, my dear card proprietor, are fools.

I recieved Company of Heroes in the mail yesterday. my cousin andy let me play it last weekend and i was amused so i went to Amazon and ordered it. On top of that, i put in an order on for Cromartie High School (which happened to be back ordered) and just recieved notification that it had shipped. As well, i have a back ordered copy of Count Duckula on standby. If all goes according to plan, i will have a viewing and play filled span of two weeks between all goes to hell again with Summer Nights running seven days a week.

Now if you excuse me, i must go to Liberty city to run packages and shoot pedestrians, followed by a short run of a boy turning into a girl and vice-versa, and then the lovely Dresden Dolls.
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