So aside from comics and other things, i have been listening to and youtubing alot of Erasure lately (part of it being comics involuntarily as it was an Erasure song over the mall PA that was playing on my last run to Comics n' Stuff which sparked this recent surge in Erasure-ness). I really wish alot of people (my fellow male populace mostly) would get over their insecurities over issues involving stigma related to music and pop culture in general. I love Depeche mode, and i always wondered what would have happened if Vince Clark had stayed on with them and not formed Yaz and Erasure. But either rate, Erasure is a good band and Vince always knew how to utilize sequencers and synths a bit more than his fellow DM comrades it seems. However Erasure always seemed like the underground Depeche, being more secluded to the club scene and underground communities so to speak. Part of this is because of the stigma associated with an openly gay performance act. As much in the open and comercially successful as they were, there is hardly a way that such an act would have been able to come to the fame and exposure they received had it not been the 80's. Grunge and later alternative music would have killed them entirely and then the overall masculinity that pushed through the 90's and early 2000's more or less openly admitting to loving an act like such would just make any person question the orientation of any man doing so (which is sad).
Either rate, here is some Erasure for you readers:
Stop! performance circa 92
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Oh L'amour looks like from the same concert.
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Another version of Stop! from a more recent performance
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Annnnd . . . the song over the PA that sparked this damn recent infatuation, Always from the above video's concert
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