i've had enough of this school

Nov 17, 2005 22:23

i officially hate RHS. i'm tired of this school, i am not a racist person but i go to a racist school. i'm tired of people starting shit with me and my friends because we are white and dont dress like everyone else does. so what if we are different. we mind our own business so why do you care. me and my group of friends have not started anything with anyone. people start with us by sayin stuff like fag, bitch, white peice of shit, black power and other stuff like that. no one knows what its like when i wake up in the morning, the 1st thought isnt what am i goin to wear or sumtin normal like that. i hafta think buot who and what someone is going to say to me to start shit with me. i dont even have a doubt i know it will happen. i wont do a thing to someone yet it happens. and i dont even get it has worse as some of my other friends. i prolly get it the least. and its that bad for me imagine the other ppl. and this has been brought to mrs. stuass and she is kind of trying ot fix the problem but she isnt doing much of anything. i have had enough of this. it is so bad that i had to come to the conclusion that within the next month i know some one will start a fight with me because i am white and not the same as the trend at our school, and it will prolly be sooner then a month. and i have accpeted this and i am prepared to fight if i have to, and i dont care if i get my ass kicked. and dont think that i'm lookin for a fight by sayin this, i dont wanna fight but i shouldnt have to go to school and have ppl try to make me afraid to be there cuz i'm white and different. i have never started a fight with anyone, every fight i've been in someone else started.which is what bothers me, i dont say a thing to anyone, i dont bother a person, i'm a nice sweet guy who doesnt start trouble, and yet people still call me a fag, peice of white shit, and say shit like black power to me. what did i do to you, nothing. leave me alone if you dont like me, i'll leave you alone to. all of my friends like me for who i am and thats how i should be jugded, but i'm not.and dont think that i'm racist for writing thi,s it just happens to be that a certain race is the people starting with me and my friends. if you think i'm racist come ask me because my best friend is black, my other best friend is white, so i couldnt possible be racist to either race. i judge people for who they are. my best friend may be different then me in some ways but i love him because he is who he wants to be and he loves me for the same reason. why is it that other ppl cant feel this way. my friend sean put it perfectly when he got suspended basically for telling the truth , "this school worries more about me going to more then one lunch, but you dont give a shit about the people with knives and drugs, the reason i dont go to my 5th period class is because all if the kids make fun of me and i dont feel like dealing with that shit, a kid calls me a fag and nothing happens to him but when i stand up for myself i get suspended, yea thats. fuck you, you fucking bald peice of shit!" this kid is the man, he doesnt do shit to people, he just stands up for himself but never starts shit, and he gets uspended for standing up for himself, but the people who start shit with him get a couple office detentions.

i'm sick of this shit and i'm ready to get my ass kicked, and i will stand up for any of my friends, and if your curious of who, here are a special few of them that i will fight to the grave for are: Rashad, Jocie, Sean, Kevin, Tim, Dan, Billy, and my Bro
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