Survey time.

Jul 08, 2006 15:58

I have gone to a tattoo convention
I have blonde hair
I have highlights
I have experienced a frightening plane ride
The longest plane ride I have been on has been longer than 10 hours
I have seen Marilyn Manson in concert
I have a best friend
I have a boyfriend/girlfriend
I have surfed in California
I own a surfboard
I enjoy the ocean
I enjoy the beach
I love to travel
I have tattoos
I am listening to Sneaker Pimps right now
I have bought something in the past 24 hours
I am moving down the shore in August
I will be two blocks away from the beach when I move
I live in New Jersey
I live in California.
I live in Washington state
I have friends in another country
I have been off of my continent
I have been to South America
I have been to Costa Rica
I would like to visit Costa Rica
I have gone on a cruise
I have been to an island
I've had a bonfire on the beach before
I am addicted to taking surveys
I am extremely mad at myself right now
I feel very guilty about something that wasn't totally my fault
I don't live in the US
I am obsessed with Europe
I have fantasized about a life of crime
I have a fascination with the Southwest
I have been to more than 5 concerts
I have seen Nine Inch Nails live
I went to school with someone who later became famous
One of my friends is in a band
And their band is actually quite good!
Sometimes I enjoy spending alone time with me, myself, and I
I love getting comments on my LJ
I hate MySpace but feel compelled to constantly check it
I love meeting new people online through LJ
I have a huge immediate family
I have several siblings
I am very close with my family
I am hungry
I have seen a classic rock band in concert
I enjoy punk shows
I love my state/province
I love animals
I am in college
I plan on attending college
I am in grad school
I have gone to school out of my home state
I attend a private school
I attend a public school
I love music
I love my boyfriend/girlfriend
I love my friends
I love my family
I am scared of flying, but I do it anyway
My friend is asking his girlfriend to marry him next month
I am engaged
I have been in a relationship for more than 1 year
I like chill, dim rooms with ambient music on in the background
I love X-mas lights
I have a good friend who is 2000 miles or more away from me right now
I mistakenly ruined something rather expensive within the past week and I am upset about it
I have seen the ocean in the past 48 hours
My parents live in an apartment
My parents live in a house
I live in a trailer
The desert is fascinating
I am always bored
I have a job
I like my job
I hate my job
Vultures are my favorite birds
I have been to Alaska
I have been to Hawaii
My friend is going to Hawaii next month
I have a wedding to go to soon
I am severely stressed out
Spring is my favorite season
My dad flies small planes
My uncle is a retired pilot for an airline
All of my family lives in the same state/province as me
I have been to Canada
I want a super fancy wedding when the day comes!!!!!!!!!!
I am addicted to soda
I have a friend named Flavio
My mom has some serious paranoia issues
I can't believe how idiotic some people are
I am a Democrat
I am a Republican
I am an Independent
I am liberal
I am conservative
I am apolitical
I am 18 or under
I am over the age of 18
I hate/hated high school
I love/loved high school
I like mushrooms-Depends on how they are cooked.
I love cooking with my boyfriend/girlfriend
My favorite city ever is Amsterdam
My favorite city ever is Los Angeles
My favorite city ever is NYC
I am a city person
I am a pure country person
I have ran over an animal with my car
One of my favorite colors is brown
I have a sweet tooth
I love all fruits
I like big sunglasses
I am antisocial
I live in an apartment
I live in a house
I live with a roommate
I live with my boyfriend/girlfriend
I enjoy horror movies, even when they suck
I have lost a friend to death
I have lost a friend because of other means
I have been cheated on at some point in my life
I have cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend at some point in my life
I have gay friends
I have wealthy friends
I have friends who are already done with college
I have friends who are still in high school
Summer is the best
I desperately need a vacation
I have a pool
I type slowly
I can type very fast
I enjoy scrap-booking
I enjoy hiking
I can bake well
Even though I am ethnically Jewish, my family celebrates X-mas as well as Hannukah
I find ignorance and racism to be some of the most frustrating qualities of certain people.
I know someone who is addicted to drugs
I know someone who is an alcoholic
I have done hard drugs
I have gone to a rave
I have gone clubbing
I'm not a big fan of the club scene.
I have been to a goth club
I have gone to a hip-hop show
I have a pet cat
I have a pet dog
I have an exotic pet
Music can soothe me
Exercising can help me feel better
I eat out a lot
I rarely eat out
I live in an extremely hot and sticky state.
I've never been outside of the United States borders.
I have visited more than one state in the US.
I like to draw and paint.
I don't like making 3-dimensional art.
I'm going to an arts school for college next year.
I like comic books for the artwork.
I like comic books for the exaggerated action sequences.
I am in love with anything and everything that has to do with vampires.
I read more often than not.
I only like Anne Rice's early novels.
Paranormal romance books are badly written and laughable.
I adore Robot Chicken.
South Park makes me laugh.
I think Family Guy is dumb and have never really found it funny.
I am a vegetarian.
I used to be a Christian.
I used to be extremely religious.
My mother works at a church.
I am very close with both of my parents.
My brother and I get along.
I am a huge movie buff.
I am a huge horror movie buff.
I love blood, guts and gore.
My boyfriend(significant other) has red hair.
My boyfriend(significant other) tells lots of jokes but rarely laughs.
I laugh all the time, even at things that aren't funny.
I smile too much.
I have really curly hair.
I am seventeen years old.
I am somewhat mature for my age.
I have a very obsessive personality.
I have dated someone for two years before.
I have made out with a girl.
I am not a virgin.
I don't have any pets.
I am easily irritated, but you will never know otherwise.
I like all genres of music.
I drive a VW bug.
I drive a blue car.
I want four kids.
Maybe five.
I have all of their names planned.
I really want to get married.
I am not very social.
My friends are, so by default, I become social.
I have trouble holding onto my money.
I am extremely airy when it comes to keeping in touch with friends.
I hate being wrong.
I am not always happy with my appearance.
Sometimes, I find myself blaming my insecurities on an ex-boyfriend.
I think I'm a pathological liar.
I love satire.
English was my best class.
Math was torture.
I never dance, unless I’m alone. Or provoked.
I never sing, unless I’m alone. Or provoked.
I have a very odd sense of humor.
Some people think my sense of humor in insensitive or crude.
Some people think I am very nice.
Some people think I am a bitch.
I am liberal.
I don't like George W. Bush.
I enjoy politics and political debates, unless those that I am debating are ignorant of current events or news.
I don't like to be clumped with "open-minded liberals" that are in fact "close-minded" to conservatives.
I am not that way.
I would like to live in Europe for a period of time.
I would like to visit Europe at least once in my life.
I do not miss high school.
I have an ancient cell phone.
I want to get some tattoos.
I want to get my nose pierced.
I want to get some other piercings.
I have strangely pale skin.
I am very thin and am easily offended by the term "skinny".
It takes a lot to truly piss me off.
I am too forgiving.
I have been cheated on before.
I would never cheat.
I don't like stereotypical "artsy" people.
I love to mock.
Some people take offense to it.
Some people are entertained by it.
I have ugly feet.
I like my hands and fingers.
I have blue-grey eyes with greenish yellow near the pupil.
I have small breasts.
I have had knee surgery.
I love tennis.
I get along with guys better than girls.
I can read French perfectly.
I cannot speak French if my life depended on it.
The United States irks me sometimes.
I wish I could speak Italian.
I would like to go to Italy.
I own too many clothes.
I own too many shoes.
I rarely wear make-up. -I don't at all.
I don't think I am very girly.-I hope not.
I wear skirts more often than pants.
People don't take me very seriously because I am so quiet.
I sometimes feel unappreciated.
I am, at random times, too busy...while mostly I am bored stiff.
I feel alone a lot, even when I am with someone.
Sometimes, I don't think anyone understands me at all.
My extended family is CRAZY.
Friends expect too much of me.
I am addicted to LiveJournal.
I love cookie dough, right out of the plastic.
Junior Mints are the best candy ever.
I think food at the movie theatre is way over priced.
I think movies in general are over priced.
I hate shopping but love the outcome.
I have bumper stickers on my car.
I have posters on the walls of my room.
I suffer from recurring migraines.
I enjoyed the movie Brokeback Mountain.
I don’t like to eat.
I don’t like food.
I do not smoke.
I have smoked before.
I do not drink.
I have been drunk before.
I keep my fingernails short for art.
I don’t find Orlando Bloom, even in the least bit, attractive.
I think Orlando Bloom is a terrible actor as well.
I love the Star Wars movies.
I could have done without Episode I and II.
I love the Lord of the Rings movies.
Peter Jackson kicks ass.
Tim Burton is a fantastic director.
I like the Dairy Queen commercials.
I really want a garden gnome.
The Da Vinci Code was a terrible movie.
The book wasn’t that great either.
Ann Coulter is strange.
Michael Moore hurts the left wing more than he helps them.
I don’t like know-it-alls that actually know nothing at all.
I am an only child
I love bananas.
The book is always better than the movie.
I have dyed my hair an un-natural color
I look for patterns in things like cloth, wallpaper and tile
I prefer paintings and drawings to photography.
My mom used to be a cheerleader
I’ve been to the prom
I love movies about proms and school dances
One of my favorite bands is from Europe
I hate cultural food like Chinese or Mexican
I have more burned cds than real cds
I wear sandals in the winter
I wear shorts in the winter
I’m still afraid of the dentist
I’ve moderated a LiveJournal community
I hate taking showers
I wear/own a fragrance made for the opposite sex
I've given myself a piercing
I would rather burn out than fade away
When I was little I was afraid of the zoo
I have no clue how to play a guitar
I've kept something from a past relationship that didn’t belong to me
I wish I wasn't so romantic
Titanic is the most romantic movie I have ever seen
I prefer incense to candles
I own something kinky
There are just some races that I am not sexually attracted to
I think my neighbor is attractive
I have had a stalker
I have egged someone’s house
I play/have played role-playing games
I can list off all the ingredients of a Big Mac, just like the commercial.
I’ve used a fake identity in a chat room
I say things like *hugs or *chases after*, ect. during instant message conversations.
I like the way blood tastes
I've had an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction at school or work
Someone at my school or workplace has seen me naked
I know how to work a fax machine
I hate when celebrities have their names combined by the media… like TomKat or Bennifer
I think chewing gum is nasty
I have an iPod
I think it would be dreadful to rule a country
I'm not afraid of heights
I have put something up my nose and it got stuck
I send emails to myself
I have swallowed a sum of money
I have never been to a place of worship for a religion other than my own
I plan to live till I am at least 50
Some of the questions tend to be for woman but whatever.
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