Apr 15, 2005 21:37
Ok, I think I may have just sent this with nothing on it. Oh well.
Yesterday kicked ass. school was boring, then I hung out at spot. sad times. Got my FREE tarot card reading. Its an interesting thing, but two cards were nothing like me. I was told I would find love. and my free will astrology told me that I will soon be in vertigo. Ups and downs with a good ending. I hope they are related.
Saw Atom p. and some girl(I forgot her name, I'm so sorry) we were talking outside of spot for a while, then they left after atom bought a ring from this guy that was made of silverware( the ring, not the guy^_^) After that, I walked around. Doing this, I realized that buffalo DOES have something going for it, pretty buildings. It reminded me that Gem had mentioned hanging out and taking pictures.( I know,I obsess over her...oh well)
I went to the concert. Bloody amazing as fucking hell!(sorry, thats my new favorite phrase) The ducky boys were cool. Catch 22 was WAY cooler, and Flogging Molly fucking rocked over them all. I met this cute girl.(should have gotten her number or something, oh well)
I have realized something. The girls I like all have something in common. Sometimes its the hair, other times, its a certain intrest, or a part of their personality. I'm wondering if its a bad thing that I am so biased like this, but I also wonder if its a good thing that I noticed it?
Oh well, time to dream of what has been, what may be and what may never be. I'll see ya all later