Well I got back into researching the whole "Mystery Boom" of July 4th, 2004. It seems like there aren't as many web pages with info on it as there were before, seeing as now it's over a year old. So yeah, it's kind hard to find some new info. But I did come across a very interesting source, a web page that I remember coming across back in July of 2004 when I first started researching the event.
This is the site:
http://www.skyscan.org/Wufod1.htm Now what's interesting about this page is that it shows another sighting near the time when the big boom happened. The Miami Amber lights were sighted merely a few days before the Mystery Boom of Casselberry. Follow the above link to read more about it.
As I was browsing through web pages that had very little info on this event, I came to one that was entirely dedicated to it! Information based on many claims from direct resources and info passed through media has been put into this site. It's incredible! So I shall post this link up too...
The most reliable source of info on this event that I've come across in my research:
http://www.clydelewis.com/dis/fallen3/fallen3.htm Now, I'm not sure what exactly happened that crazy night, although a lot of people say that a meteor is to blame. But this is the story of my own personal experience:
On the night of July 4th of 2004, some of my extended famiyl was over my house as we all celebrated the night of America's independence. We were lighting fireworks and chilling out in the front porch. Well, I was in the backyard practicing with my nunchaku, and I kept noticing how there was lightning in the sky, yet there wasn't any thunder. The lightning seemed rather unusual, too, because it ran across the sky in a rather horizontal manner, branching out into smaller lightning streaks. Well, some time into the night there was a sudden blinding flash of light in the sky. For that second, I could see nothing but the light, and directly following that was a huge loud boom. This boom didn't die out like any normal boom. It rolled through the air and lasted at least 5 seconds. I even felt the ground trembling beneath my feet. By instinct, I ran inside because I was convinced that the boom was a large lightning strike nearby and if I stayed out any longer I might get struck myself.
Some time after that night, I started researching the internet to see if I could find out any other information about the "Mystery Boom" and surely enough my searches led me to a massive amount of web pages with testimonies, claims, and reports about this event. Many signs pointed to a meteor striking Florida. What was solid information, though, was the fact that a site near Dog Track Road was being blocked off by numerous vans and other vehicles, apparently NASA vehicles. This must have been the alleged meteor sight.
And there you have it. This is my own story, and tonight I started researching again. I didn't really find anything new, but I hope to uncover something with my continuance.
Let's hope for some answers!