Well the cat should find it's own way home. There's a very small chance of something happening to it. Especially if it was female. Females tend to stay close to their homes, unlike male cats that have larger territores to explore and fend for. -ahem- Didn't mean to rant about cat tendencies, but I only mean to help.
Well that happened to me the first time my cat ran away from home, she too is an indoor cat (she was gone for about 2 weeks, but it felt like months for me). I was crying like crazy thinking she wouldn't come back. If you haven't declawed Flames you shouldn't have much to worry about because cats have instincts even if they've been indoors for their entire life. :3
I haven't had her declawed but I am worried sick about her.. I just want her home. I know she'll react on instinct and everything else but yeah you understand what it's like to have a loved one missing..
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