Primal Origin Deluxe Edition Box
Bujin Design box
Sylvan Snapdrassinagon [Ultra Rare]
And The Band Played On [Ultra Rare]
Re-Cover [Super Rare]
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk [Rare]
Sylvan Princessprout [Super Rare]
Gazer Shark
Nopenguin x3
Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage
Condemned Maiden
Phantom King Hydride x2
ZS - Vanish Sage x2
Ghostrick Warwolf x2
Traptrix Dionaea [Rare]
Artifact Achilleshield x2
Last Counter x3
Evo-Singularity x4
Ancient Gear Box
Blizzard Thunderbird x2
Galactic Charity
Artifact Aegis x2
Gladiator Beast Augustus [Rare]
Artifact Labrys x2
Shogi Knight x2
Battlin' Boxer Veil x2
Double Dragon Descent x2
Ghostrick Doll
Number 103: Ragnazero [Rare]
Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon [Super Rare]
Bujintervention x2
Umbral Horror Ghost x2
Reverse Breaker x2
Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk x2
Diamond Core of the Koa'ki Meiru
Sylvan Waterslide
And The Band Played On
Number C43: High Manipulator of Chaos [Rare]
Artifact Sanctum [Ultra Rare]
Galaxy Dragon x2
Beautunaful Princess [Rare]
Artifacts Unleashed x2
Heliosphere Dragon
Number 43: Manipulator of Souls
Ghostrick Parade
Sylvan Cherubsprout x2
Bolt Penguin x2
Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion [Rare]
Orea, The Sylvan High Arbiter [Super Rare]
Artifact Beagalltach
ZW - Sleipnir Mail
Artifact Caduceus [Rare]
Artifact Failnaught x2
Hazy Flame Hydra
Hundred-Footed Horror
Sylvan Snapdrassinagon [Rare]
So, on one hand, I got Number 103 and quite a few Artifacts, including a couple of the actually rare ones (but no Durendal, oh nooo.)
On the other hand though, I didn't get Pilica, Descendant of Gusto, which was the one I actually wanted to pull! Aaagh!
But I liked this box despite that. It's a nice box otherwise practically speaking, I got some nice cards out of it, and I'm one step closer now to a Artifact deck, which'll probably be my new priority to build now. Good thing a majority of the cards are commons.