(no subject)

Jun 11, 2007 12:37

So I'm sick it's been really weird ok saturday I got home from Becca and Nina's party, I walked home and felt perfectly fine, then the second I got in I was freezing so I got upstairs dried off from thye massive water fight and got in bed usig every cover I could find. I managed to sleep and woke up about 2 hours later I was really tired and still really cold, at this point I realized I had a fever so I checked my temperature and I was at 102 I called my mom who was at a party with my father, and she told me to take advil. So I went downstairs and took the advil then went back up and tried not to use as many cover so that I wouldn't over heat.I checked my temperature an hour later and I was down in the 98s so I felt much better. Next day I wake up at 4-5ish and cant get back to sleep for 30 minutes but eventually get back to bead till 7 when I play some video games and go back to bed a second time and wake up at 11 weak and feverish once more I stay bed ridden till 12 then finally take some advil and get on with my day normally. Last night I woke up arond 2:30-2:45 with my covers all weird I straighten it out and try to get back to sleep but can't, I end up awake with irrational thoughts about doing something in a videogame that makes no sense and stay awake till about 4:30 I wake up at 5:45 to my alarm clock aggitated from the lack of sleep and fairly stuffed up from my cold but otherwise fine. I go to school take my english exam and finally have twelfth night pay off when theres an exerpt from the play. Then towards the end of my exam I notice my hearing is weird and by lunch I can hardly hear anything then in Journalism I finally realized I had a ear infection or something along those lines when. Now my left ear is in pain but I have regained most of my hearing. Up until saturday I thought that this was the only year that I hadn't been sick.
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