Jul 15, 2007 15:55
David: jamie
David:remember how you lost your pokemon virginity too me
Donna:omg thats soooo wrong...
David: xD
Jamie:i remember
David: good times
Jamie:yes il never forget you
Donna:was it good for you??? ^__^
David: same here
David:i really enjoyed it
Jamie:well when i saw davids package arrive i was excited
Donna:did it feel good??
Donna: OMFG XD
Donna: -copes for mon-
Donna: copies*
David:i loved the image in my head of you feeling it with excitement before your ripped it open
Donna:..you did that recently too
Donna: dirty bugger
Jamie: and then i just slipped it straight into the slot
Jamie:and away i went
David: DEAD
David:you hardly ever took it out
David:it was in there 4eva
Jamie:and when i bubble blasted it was all over
Jamie:but i kept CUMing back for more.
David:my god
Donna:omg jamie!!
Jamie: geez how immature
Donna:you call ME bad!?
Jamie: kims been teaching me
David:i showered you with silver
David:sooooooooooooooooo funny