Oct 03, 2008 21:18
I'm still quite please with my new job. I keep getting 'good jobs' from my team director, so I think it's going well from their side too. And it's really cool...the head lady of the entire department (it goes team, division, department) loves Sam Adam's, so when there is a party with beer it's /good/ beer. Aww yeah. Plus, the directors seem very fun and like people you'd want to have at a party. I expected them to be proper and stuffy. The only one that's like that is the director of my team. However, she's still cool. Just proper. Proper in a formal British accent having, had a cook growing up, observes high tea kind of way.
It's a very rewarding job too. The group of students that was basically my job to handle was the Kenyans. Most of them are here. There were like 13 on the list. Two were deferred, one we're not sure where she is, and one isn't coming. The other 9 are here! W00t! It's my credit. I've gotten to meet several of the students that I've been calling and emailing and talking to academic departments to make special arrangements for. It's so cool. They're here because of me!!! And they're such sweet kids. One of them brought me traditional Kenyan clothes! It's so great to be part of that experience for these guys. The one was in a part of the country where the war was quite bad. He saw dead bodies in the streets. And now he's living in Philadelphia. The looks on their faces when they finally meet me are just priceless. "Oh! You're Megan! The one from the phone! Thank you!" I really like what I'm doing.