Ричардс просто взял и выучил весь словарь французского языка, все слова, и те, которые включают 10 букв. Причём на это у него ушло всего два месяца. Впрочем, запомнил он только, так сказать, оболочки слов, без их значений. Заметьте, в чемпионате принимали участие носители французского языка из Канады, Бельгии, Франции и Африки. Но Найджел Ричардс обошёл их всех.
Как рассказала близкая подруга Ричардса: - Найджел совсем не говорит по-французски, он только заучил слова. Он не знает, что они означают, не сможет вести беседу на французском языке.
Ричардсу 48 лет, ранее он выиграл чемпионат по Скрэбблу в Великобритании. Он неоднократно выигрывал турниры по Скрэбблу в Таиланде и в США.
PS: Скрэббл - это настольная игра, в которой два или четыре игрока соревнуются в образовании слов с использованием буквенных деревянных фишек на доске, разбитой на 225 квадратов. В русскоязычной среде игра известна под названием Эрудит.
[И ПОДРОБНОСТИ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ]New Zealander Nigel Richards can't speak much French beyond "bonjour," but that didn't stop him from winning the French-language world championship.
Richards, 48, defeated a French-speaking competitor during the final round of the tournament in Belgium. He had memorized the French Scrabble dictionary in only nine weeks, though the words mean nothing to him. He doesn't know what the words mean, he cannot have a conversation in French.
The dictionary Richards memorized includes all French words made up of two to 10 letters.
To him words are just combinations of letters and he can come up with words of seven or more letters that others take 10 years to learn.
Richards has dominated the game in his native tongue too, winning world titles for English Scrabble in 2007 and 2011. He also has five U.S. national titles.
He received a standing ovation for his French win. He asked for a translator to express his gratitude to the crowd, CBC News reported.
Some people say that he is like a computer with a big beard. You go to international tournaments and everyone's sitting around at the end of the day telling stories about Nigel. Of course, he's never there, so the legend grows.
He never showed much interest in language growing up and only picked up the game at 28 when his mother introduced him to it.
- When he was learning to talk, he was not interested in words, just numbers,- she told the Star Times. - He used to point to the calendars. He related everything to numbers. We just thought it was normal.
Experts in the game say that his success is owed to his highly mathematical brain.