Dear Festividder, I just have a lot of feelings

Oct 13, 2012 21:38

So you're making me a vid! Gosh, this is exciting.

I love everything, from deep meta to look at this cool stuff happening. I'm not really a shipper, but I love deep connections between/among people, found families and deep platonic love of all kinds.

Music-wise, I have literally no preferences here. I have a pretty wide range of tastes, but even aside from that, I've found that if a song works for a vid I will enjoy it even if it's music I'd never voluntarily have listened to in a million years in other contexts. So, really, just roll with it!

And if what works best for you is to ignore everything the crazy lady says here, DO THAT.

Babylon 5
I am a Susan Ivanova girl down to the core. Absolutely anything involving her would be wonderful! Character analysis? General overview of her SHEER AWESOME? Her relationship with Talia, or Marcus, or both? I also ♥ her friendship with Sheridan a megaton, so there's that. When it comes down to it, though, I do love everyone on this station and their various relationships to each other, so pretty much anything that works for you will be utterly awesome regardless. (Though I would prefer it not be entirely Garibaldi-centric...I admit I do love him a bit less than the rest.)

The Bletchley Circle
MY BEAUTIFUL BRILLIANT LADIES. Oh my God, I love them all so much. I love their support of each other and their navigation of a world that won't take them seriously. I love their brains and I love their guts. Any vid about any of them in absolutely any combination - singular, ensemble, a couple in particular as BFFs, even shippy - would make me jump up and down in pure glee.

Katrine is my fave, but I love Birgitte (Prime Minister of my heart!) and Kasper as well. Something about Birgitte and politics would be swell, or maybe a comparison and contrast of Birgitte and Katrine. Katrine and Kasper and their relationship? I don't really ship them at all, but I do find them interesting together.

This movie! I adore absolutely everything about it, but I particularly love the relationship between Merida and Elinor, and a vid about them would most definitely bring on some happy tears. A vid about Merida herself, and her adventures, would also be super amazing.

I love Joan and Sherlock separately and together, but especially together. Teamwork! Otherwise, as they've only aired two episodes yet, it's hard to say where they'll go with it between now and deadline, so just go with what catches your eye.

The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982)
This is one of my oldest fandoms (in multiple forms, actually, not just this particular adaptation) and tbh I have a huge emotional connection to it. I literally cannot see how anything you make for this could possibly go wrong. I love Percy Blakeney, you guys! (Anthony Andrews = best screen Percy.) I love Marguerite! I love hot!Chauvelin! I even love Armand. You can go in pretty much any direction here and I will think it's brilliant.

what am i doing

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