I literally did not sleep last night, which means I am almost totally unselfconscious about posting here. Hooray?
So, my life. The only good parts happen via television. I finally started the fifth season of Babylon 5, having recovered from Deconstruction of Falling Stars, which completely broke me. (Seriously, I am in no way an optimist, but why there gotta be no hope. WHY.) I do have some feelings thus far, but the only way I can figure out to actually express them is via entirely gratuitous sparkletext.
Also Mira Furlan's face is like, seriously amazing. Have I mentioned this here before? She has such a great smile and is basically a flawless human being.
And then there's Community. Lately I'd been kind of wondering why I even watch the show, but then the finale happened and I'm pretty sure it was the best episode of the entire series. IMO. It was so fantastic in so many ways. I may have spent quite a bit of time staring at Donald Glover's arms. It was wonderful and Han Solo and SHIRLEY, FINALLY and Magnitude and it was just delightful.
And also this last thing. Which I happen to be pretty embarrassed about, to be honest, so I would like to preface the rest of this post with the fact that I actually do not find Bruce Boxleitner attractive except as Tron, for realsies, and that would be a stupid reason to watch a TV show anyway, so there.
I've been browsing through a lot of fanvids lately, including ones I'm not actually in the fandom of, and I randomly clicked on this shippy vid and I watched it, and then I watched it again, and it was basically the cutest thing ever. And considering the total despair that all these damn arc shows have wrought, I'm seeking out all the fluff I can possibly find to counter that.
Which is to say, I've started watching Scarecrow and Mrs. King. I am watching almost entirely for the ship, but I don't even damn care, because everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
The physical contact! THIS HUG. Ugh I have such a thing for hugs, which is weird, because hugging people makes me pretty uncomfortable in real life. (I also have a thing for handholding. Clearly I am innocent and pure.)
Oh also! I forgot! I'm also watching The Borgias and Game of Thrones! Unexpectedly, I like the Borgias a lot better than GoT. Everyone is gorgeous and perfect and I'm totally shipping incest, but I don't even give a fuck because my soul has completely rotted.
And, finally, GoT. Um. Catelyn is a totally BAMF and I luh her. Aidan whatshisface is the perfect Littlefinger, and I feel sick to my stomach whenever he's around Sansa, stay away from my baby girl you sleazebucket. I love Lena Headey, but I would love her in basically anything. Arya is wonderful and adorable and I actually like her better in the show than the books, oddly. The fact that Gendry is Chris is distracting. I loathe Jon Snow to pieces.
Robb > Jon, deal with it.