german & japanese translation (handwriting)

Dec 26, 2014 12:46

My mother found some lovely WWI-era photos in a bin at an estate sale place; among them are two photos of the same man, who appears to be Japanese. One has handwriting on the back in German, the other has writing in the back in Japanese. Would anyone mind taking a look and seeing if they can tell what they say? The cursive is defeating me.

Photos under the cut (including photos of the guy, in case you're curious; he's quite dapper.)

(I'm not sure why they're uploading sideways, they're fine on my computer.)

On this one, I can get "E. Koga" and "from Kumamoto, Japan", but that's about it.

ETA: We've got the German down (thank you all very much!) but could still use someone to comment on the Japanese. Thanks!

japanese, german, translation request

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