I have some jars of home made strawberry "jam-elly" which has jam with fruit in the top half of the jar and just clear jelly in the bottom half. It was due to a bit of a failure in my jam making technique, but in general the two things are cooked in different ways, jam has the sugar added to the fresh fruit and jelly has the sugar added to the juice of strained cooked fruit. As I understand it in the US jam is called jelly, so do they have a separate word for the clear fruit juice type preserve?
The title refers to the cliché of there being many more
words for snow in the Eskimo languages...which isn't accurate however I think everyone who speaks more than one language knows that there are words that exist in one language that don't exist in another. My own experience is that French has not got a word for moth, instead saying papillon de nuit. This is irritating because butterflies and moths are distinct species, with different antennae, wing scales and body shape. While most moths are nocturnal some moths are day-flying.
On the other hand English has no word for exercise book, to translate cahier. It does seem sensible to define clearly books for writing in, and those for reading from, i.e. livre.
I would like to hear what words what other people feel should exist from other languages in their own, and vice versa.
Thank you. :)