Accent learning and keeping it going.

May 23, 2013 11:45

Hi everyone! So this might be a bit of a fun one. There's also a bit of storytelling so I've put everything under a cut. It's basically about my experience trying to pick up and internalise a new accent.

Here's the story, and some questions. )

accents, english dialects

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x_reggg May 24 2013, 06:40:41 UTC
My situation is pretty similar to yours! I was born in Hong Kong as well, but I moved to Australia when I was young and came back to Hong Kong when I was six. I learnt Australian English when I first acquired the language, but 12 years of British/International School and American dramas has made me sound American but say everything the British way (if that makes sense). Plus the fact my relatives and local friends didn't have good English, there are a few words that I say with a Chinese accent... I went to London for university as well, picked up a slight London and Northern accent (my bf is from the North East) and now I'm back in Hong Kong working with lots of Americans and a huge accent mess up! :P

What I've found is that my accent really changes depending on who I speak with. When I'm with my Singaporean friends I start adding more la's in the end and my Chinglish accent gets really strong when I'm speaking with someone with a similar accent or I know can't understand "proper" English.

I wouldn't say I have any tips because I'm not trying to change my accent consciously, but I think accents are really interesting because it really shows how someone grew up with English. A lot of people can't pinpoint where I'm from and I'm pretty proud of it because I feel a lot more international than I really am XD;;


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