Short translations needed for Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Farsi, Kurdish, Amazigh

Feb 02, 2013 20:35

I'm working on a zine about vegan cuisine from the Mid East/Maghreb & want to include a short section of phrases useful for folks traveling in the regions. If anyone would be able to help out with translations into the following languages (both in the relevant script & an approximate representation in Latin script would be fantastic), I'd be so, so ( Read more... )

hebrew, kurdish, turkish, howdoyousay, translation request, farsi, arabic

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erendise February 2 2013, 20:32:50 UTC
Modern Standard Arabic

However if you want to really use these phrases, a dialect would be much better.

[IPA transcription in brackets]

I'm vegan / vegetarian - انا نباتي [ʔana: naba:ti:]
I don't eat anything that comes from animals - لا آكل شيء الاصل الحيواني [la: ʔa:kulu ʃajʔal ʔasˤlil ħajawaːniː]
Animals are my friends, and I don't want to eat my friends - الحيوانات هي اصدقائي ولا أريد أن آكل أصدقائي [ʔalħajawaːnaːt ɦuwa ʔasˤdiqaːʔiː wa laː ʔuriːdu ʔan ʔaːkula ʔasˤdiqaːʔiː]
If it's not a huge trouble, could I please have something without animal products? - [ʔiðaː lajsa ɦaːðaː muʃkila kabiːra, faʔuħibbu ʃajʔan duːnal muntad͡ʒaːtil ħajawaːniːja] اذا ليس هذا مشكلة كبيرة فأحب شيئا دون المنتجات الحيوانية
I'm a big fan of vegetables - [ʔnaː ʔuħibbu xudˤravaːt d͡ʒiddan d͡ʒiddan] أحب خضروات جدا جدا

Thanks, that was really delicious! - [ʃukran d͡ʒaziːlan, kaːna ɦaːðaː laðiːðan d͡ʒiddan ] شكرا جزيلا كان هذا لذيذا جدا

I don't eat... cheese - [laː ʔaːkulu ... d͡ʒibn] لا آكل ... جبن
milk - [ħaliːb] حليب
yoghurt - [laban] لبن
meat - [laħm] لحم
fish - [samak] سمك

poultry - [dad͡ʒaːd͡ʒ] دجاج


terrorgore February 2 2013, 21:25:48 UTC
Thanks a lot! Yeah I speak Palestinian Arabic so I'd thought that I could give that translation, but I know it's pretty different to Egyptian, Maghrebi, Iraqi dialects... but anyway thanks, this is a huge help!


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