(no subject)

Apr 27, 2012 16:43

I know several people who I would characterise as fluent in English. They may have an accent that's quite distinguishable to speakers of Australian English, but if you gave them an Australian accent, I think it'd be extremely difficult to identify them as second language learners.

Is there a difference between second language learners who have internalised the language and native speakers?

Can you ever become so fluent that the language becomes a part of the mental grammar in your head, almost as if you had learned it when you were a language-sucking monster (i.e. a child)? Because I suspect my friends have the same 'intuitions' about English as I do, and I trust their judgements on grammaticality.

As a mostly monolingual, I don't know what it feels like to be that proficient. Is that your goal as a language learner
when you start out learning a language? Have you met such people? Are you one yourself?

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