
Mar 30, 2012 15:15

How do you explain reappropriation of offensive terms within a certain country to non-native speakers?

I have a Scandinavian friend with a strong interest in American hip hop culture and especially music. Some time ago, I realized that she was using and misspelling a reappropriation of the N word in informal contexts. While our conversations are ( Read more... )

english, english dialects, sociolinguistics, language history, insults

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di_glossia March 30 2012, 23:25:54 UTC
Well, the reappropriation has that meaning, as well as referring to a black male. It's the original term that's offensive. The problem is that the difference is identical to how the N word would be pronounced in a non-rhotic dialect, as well as being a difficult difference to notice when speaking quickly or not enunciating, so coming from the mouth of a white person, it's assumed to be the insult.

Your situation is incredibly interesting to me, since North Africans are not typically of European descent, but present a confusing racial category to many Americans, who typically associate African with black. North Africans of Arab or Berber blood aren't exactly black. If black Africans can use the word, why can't North Africans? It's certainly an interesting issue. The reappropriated word is not offensive to me. I grew up hearing it from blacks, and it means basically 'man' or 'dude' or 'my friend'. I think reappropriation is perfectly fine. The problem I have is that, being white and American, I can't say it. My friend, being white, could be hurt by using the word. I don't want her to be hurt.

I find it interesting that your Moroccan students feel racism is especially pervasive in the US, since Morocco also has discrimination against black Africans, especially black foreigners and black foreign students.


keeni84 March 31 2012, 04:25:23 UTC
Not all black people can use the word "nigga" though, including those from the continent of Africa. There's the issue of authenticity. And there are many black people who use the word "nigger" to mean exactly the same thing that fellow racists mean.

Many North Africans are also black. Sudan, South Sudan and Southern Egypt are all filled at least partially or predominately with people that look no different than the average black American.


di_glossia March 31 2012, 04:32:20 UTC
North Africans of Arab or Berber blood aren't exactly black. If black Africans can use the word, why can't North Africans?

I'm sorry, I wasn't very clear. I was referring to North Africans of Arab or Berber blood (also Turkish, especially in Egypt). There are black Africans in Morocco, hence the racism.


keeni84 March 31 2012, 04:39:30 UTC


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