French phrases, translations and tutoring

Mar 26, 2012 13:25

Hi, I have a couple of French questions. I thought it best to post both them in one entry although the second is unrelated, rather than cluttering up people's friends pages.

How would you translate jouer les midinettes? ("jamais elle n'a toléré jouer les midinettes, les fleurs bleues ( Read more... )

french, language instruction, phrases

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amles80 April 15 2012, 11:25:03 UTC
Thank you for your long comment, and I'm sorry about the very late reply!

I agree, it would be helpful to talk to his teacher, and especially in the beginning when I was more insecure about how to do this. It would be great to have material ready to reinforce what she's teaching. The problem is that she doesn't plan her lessons that long in advance; the kid actually asked her himself (before I mentioned that it would be good for me to know this) and she said she couldn't give us this info! (This surprised me because as far as I know, teachers are supposed to plan what they are doing...)

We're trying the mini-immersion thing, it was difficult in the beginning but it works better now. I should do that more, though!

Thanks for telling me about RFI. That has been very, very helpful. Also for myself, not only for my student.

I think it's a good idea to read books I'm already familiar with. The problem is, the selection of French books (at the local library) is quite small. But I'll remember this next time I go there to find a book in Finnish for my mother! :) (Oh, now I'm sudddenly on a different topic.... thing is, my mom was fluent in Finnish as a child and now she's re-learning by reading novels.)


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