Children's Language Acquisition - Phonology

Oct 28, 2011 22:27

Hey guys! I'm in an undergrad course in children's first language acquisition and we have to do a paper for our final. the topic ideas are due next week and i am pretty clueless. i know that i want to focus on phonology, but not exactly sure what. i have access to my professor's daughter's speech for a wide range of ages, as well as CHILDES (a database full of already transcribed children's speech). I was thinking of studying the surface representation of certain sounds in children and then the underlying representation. if i have the time to do a cross study between children i could determine if there was any similarities among the sounds, possibly pointing to innate UG. my teacher suggested looking at some of the phonological processes like stopping and gliding, but i'm not sure.

any ideas would be awesome!

p.s i also like morphology so if you have any ideas about that. (: (:

language acquisition, phonology

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