Coals to Newcastle in other languages

Aug 26, 2011 13:19

Hi everybody, this is just for a bit of linguaphile fun. So, as wiki tells us (carrying) Coals to Newcastle is about

a pointless venture, in the sense of sending something to a place where it's made, or where they already have it in abundance.

I wonder what similar proverbs in other languages we can unearth. I know of two others:

a Classical Greek one
glauka Athenadze - (bringing an) Owl to Athens

in Classical Antiquity owl was a symbol of both Athena and Athena, there was a big colony of owls living in the Athenian Acropolis and Athenian coins were minted with an owl symbol

and a Russian one
v Tulu so svoim samovarom - (going) to Tula with one's own Samovar

Tula is a Russian town that was famous for its metalwork and smiths, and in the 19th century the most appreciated samovars for tea came from there.

More examples in your languages? TIA

linguaphile-ness, howdoyousay, idioms

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