German translation

Nov 25, 2010 19:26

I'm trying to translate a song from German to English, and I wanted to make sure I'm on the right track with this part.  It's 'Ich bin Ich' by Rosenstolz:

In meinem Kopf ist so viel Wut
Gestern Nacht konnt' ich nicht schlafen
Dass Du da warst tat mir gut
Bitte stell jetzt keine Fragen
Denn ich würde nur bereuen
Hätt' ich mich an Dir verbogen
War bestimmt nicht immer treu
Doch ich hab' Dich nie betrogen.

In my head is so much anger
Last night I couldn’t sleep
It was good for me that you were there
Please don’t ask any questions
Because I would only regret it
If I had twisted myself around you
For sure, I was not always true
But I’ve never betrayed you.

As a side note, 'bereuen' was listed in the lyrics as 'bereun', but I thought this was just a typo.  Am I right?



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