Another one of these 'what is this language' questions

Aug 11, 2009 13:06

To get citizenship in the UK you have to do a 'Like in the UK' test. There's a study guide that I think is official called "British Citizenship Test: Study Guide". Knowing English is a requirement to get citizenship, and the book is in English, of course.

There is a section called 'Words to Know' and this is a list of words or phrases that might not be familiar to a non-resident (or newly arrived resident) of Britain ... thinks such as 'A Levels', 'Binge drinking', etc.

At the end of this book, they repeat this list in 3 different languages.

Knowing that there are about 300 languages spoken in London, I was very curious as to which 3 languages they deemed important enough to reproduce in the book.

(By the way, I was also wondering how many people have to be in London to say it's a community. If just one person lives in London and they're the only person in the UK to speak their native language, I'm sure that isn't added to the list of 300 languages? But that's why it's so hard to count up how many langauges are spoken, precisely. However I believe the '300' figure was used when the country was promoting the 2012 London Olympics so it's got some sort of status.)

Anyway, one of the 3 languages is in the Arabic script, so I suppose that's either Arabic or Urdu? (I can't reproduce it here.)

By using Omniglot and Google, another seems to be either in Hindi, or Punjabi (some street signs in London are also written in Punjabi because it's such a popular language, but many people of Indian origin would speak Hindi in the UK, so I'm not really sure.) (Or could it be Bengali?)

But here's the question you can answer. What is this third language:

"Ereyada loo baahan yahay in la ogaado - Halkan hoose waxaa ku taxan ereyo qayb ka ah shayada rasmiga ah ee waxabarash (Official study materials.)"

Here's one of the definitions and the English part too; "A Levels waa intixaannada ay maraan ardayda ku jirta sanadhkooda dugsiga ugu dambeeya, marka at 18 jir yihiln - A levels are the examinations taken by students in their last year at school, when aged 18."

It's easy to deduce that 'waa' means 'are' and 'jir yihiln' means 'years old', 'intixaannada' means examinations, etc.

But googling seemed to suggest this was Somali, so I thought at that point I was going wrong. I expected this to be Hausa or Swahili.

So I thought I'd ask here, as it might be something you people were interested in.

english, thai

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