Jun 02, 2009 01:07
Hey, guys. This is a pretty minor question, but this has been driving me out of my mind. I watch a lot of Hindi movies and you'd think that since I speak Hindi I'd be able to pronounce all the names of the actors that I come across. The problem is that the names aren't written in Devanagari, and the transliteration can be so hazy that I'm not 100% sure how some of the names should be pronounced because I can't find them in Devanagari or Urdu script. Wiki has some of them, but not enough. So does anyone know where I can find a list? Or, more specifically, does anyone know how to write actor/director Jugal Hansraj's name? I mean, I can guess, but is it जुगल? जूगाल? Something else? And is his last name हंसराज or something else?
Thanks in advance! This has been bugging me for a ridiculously long period of time.
indic languages,