Domestic animal sounds

May 06, 2009 22:16

Hello to everyone! A lurker from Poland here :)

I have a question which may very well serve as a comic relief, I guess. Just today I told a friend of mine that English-speaking roosters go cock-a-doodle-doo (seemed pretty innocent, as far as off-hand remarks go) and she dissolved into helpless giggles, because apparently - honestly, imagine a rooster going cock-a-doodle-doo...
(Our Polish-speaking roosters go kukuryku, which is oh-so-more-fitting, mind you.)

So, the question is: what are the onomatopoeias for domestic/domesticated animals in your native language? Is meowing and mooing international?

If there was such a topic before, please point me there and excuse the inconvenience.


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