Words in/not in the dictionary

Jan 06, 2009 22:57

I think this recent edition of Dinosaur Comics wonderfully sums up why linguistic creativity is awesome and prescriptivism is made of fail.

Cut for image size. )

words, prescriptivism, dictionaries

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Comments 36

un_sedentary January 7 2009, 04:26:00 UTC
Haha, awesome. I particularly like "sexplosive".

I have a love-hate relationship with prescriptivism, though... my linguistics prof called me a prescriptivist on the first day of the course, because the topic was linguistic pet peeves and I complained about a friend of mine "abusing the English language" by misusing grammar. And I hate chatspeak (I can't even bring myself to use it when texting and definitely never when IMing). If that makes me one, then fine. (Although I do like internet slang like "made of fail" and the like. It's simply that I don't think chatspeak serves any creative purpose - it's pure laziness in my eyes.)

But I am all for the advancement and evolution of language, forming and using new words, etc. Linguistic creativity is awesome. There's quite a lot of grey area between total prescriptivism and total descriptivism.


muckefuck January 7 2009, 04:48:12 UTC
If you need convincing that chatspeak embodies linguistic creativity, you should read David Crystal's txtng: the gr8 db8. (Sure, there's plenty of "pure laziness", too, but ask yourself: How much of my routine speech acts is fresh and creative rather than rote and lazy?)


doe_witch January 7 2009, 05:57:29 UTC


akamaru January 7 2009, 04:51:39 UTC
I agree... I always use full words in texting, and fairly proper sentences in IM/in-game chat. My brain doesn't even operate in txtr slang. I still like net slang and neologisms. I'll creatively abuse the language when it's appropriate. I just don't like slang or misuse that only comes across as... inarticulate and uneducated.

(I'm also not some jerk who'll jump on someone for moderate misuse or mistakes if they're unintentional, but I do tend to notice it... I'm certainly not perfect myself so who am I to criticize?)


sushimustwrite January 7 2009, 04:38:49 UTC
I don't know what T-Rex is talking about. Mathemagicians are real.


thekumquat January 7 2009, 12:16:12 UTC
A main character in The Phantom Tollbooth, for starters.

Now there's a good book for linguistics fans!


doe_witch January 7 2009, 16:24:21 UTC
That was my favorite book of all time for a good long while.


zepooka January 7 2009, 05:17:56 UTC
This one is still my favorite: http://www.qwantz.com/comics/comic2-855.png, just for the last panel.


doe_witch January 7 2009, 06:25:09 UTC
You win the game of How To Remind Me Of My Favorite Dinosaur Comics Comic. The prize is that within the bounds of propriety I nearly piss myself laughing and trying not to wake up everyone else in the house.


primroseburrows January 8 2009, 05:45:06 UTC
That one made my week, truly.


champagnesheik January 7 2009, 07:18:56 UTC

(always loves dinocomix)


madmouth January 7 2009, 09:03:00 UTC
I think we're about 5 years past needing to declare 'prescriptivism boo-erns'


doe_witch January 7 2009, 16:25:44 UTC
Well, ideally we'd be about 100 years past it, but judging from some of the replies here and probably a good 50% of people I know, I'm surprised myself.


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