language use question

Dec 04, 2008 09:39

I am just curious about the (un)grammaticality of two sentences... or at least what you guys think. I just came across this while reading and thought "wait a sec, I would say the ungrammatical one! Hmmm, what about other people??" So, here I am! :D

Would you ever say:
"What did you catch, a rabbit and?"

Or would you say:
"You caught a rabbit and what?"

I would be more inclined to use something much closer to the first form but I would add the indefinite article to the end ('what did you catch, a rabbit and a?').
What about you? Is one of these used more to clarify (say you didn't hear/didn't believe the end of the sentence 'we went hunting and we caught a rabbit, an alligator, and a giraffe.') or would both be used to inquire about what was caught in a case where you forgot what was caught or just as a general inquiry?? Do you consider the first form to be ungrammatical and the second one to be grammatical? Do you still say the ungrammatical one (if you think it is ungrammatical)?

I was just curious! :D
Even though the first sentence is ungrammatical, do you still say it?

english, cultural perceptions, grammar, speaker judgements

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