Definition of Language

May 25, 2008 01:49

Somewhere in the past few months or so, I remember reading, on this community, a post responding to a topic. The post included within it, a mathematical definition of language. This definition included the words "string" and maybe "sets" in it. And I remember it striking me strongly at the time.

A quick google search and wikipedia search turns up all sorts of things about formal grammar, formal language theory, Noam Chomsky's hierarchy and a few mathematical definitions of language. However, none seem to specifically match the definition I saw on this community.

I was hoping, you could give me your own definitions of language.

* * *

P.S. Are the French numbers six, dix and huit examples of allomorphy? They're pronounced differently depending on the situation. The final sound is often deleted when placed in front of words like "mois" or "boites" in "huit boites".

An example of "huit boites" can be found in this youtube video:
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