Farsi translation

Jan 04, 2008 18:17

I apologize for the (semi-)repetitiveness of my requests, but I thought I could give this one it's own thread since the other one has got a lot of discussion regarding the Russian translation. Just to clarify, this is for my Persian ESL students. They are women in their 70s, so the translation should be pretty traditional without lots of slang. The English text is under the cut. I apologize once again for double posting, but I need this soon and I didn't want it to get lost in the other thread.

It has been great teaching all of you, but unfortunately my schedule no longer allows me to continue. I apologize for the short notice, but I'd like to leave you with some resources so you can continue studying English on your own, if you wish. First, there are some suggestions of books you may want to buy. Second, there is a list of other English classes in the area. The best advice I can give you is to practice whenever you can by talking with English speakers and watching English television and movies. Thank you for being such wonderful students and good luck!

And again, if anyone has any suggestions for beginner self-study English books for Farsi speakers, that would be great.

translation request, farsi

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