
Sep 01, 2007 03:11

How do you say "shemale" in Japanese?

taboos, insults, japanese, gender

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happymrlocust August 31 2007, 21:06:32 UTC
Would that be more of a genre word though, akin to Hentai?

Unless it does literally does mean what it says in the wiki... something I'm not entirely sure I trust in any shape size or form. :)


elena August 31 2007, 21:23:03 UTC
Well, from looking up the two different kanji it gives, one meaning 'promoted' and the other meaning appearance (where futa is the kanji for two in both choices), it makes sense to me. A woman with male genitals has been given something "better", in a traditional japanese mindset. The appearance of being of two different genders also makes sense.


happymrlocust August 31 2007, 21:32:15 UTC
Oh that's pretty neat all told.

I wish, at this point, I understood Japanese far better than I do. Or at all, come to think of it.


nekokaze August 31 2007, 21:48:31 UTC
Conceiving 成 as really dealing with "promotion" here is probably heavily misleading. I don't see any reason to seek some sociological explanation based on contextual translation possibilities. Just having 成り as "become" or "change" seems fine.


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maganona August 31 2007, 23:13:18 UTC
Is it possible to use the Chinese word 人妖 in Japanese as well?


gavinoftheufo September 1 2007, 04:59:34 UTC
Never heard the word, and it only shows up on one of my big kanji dictionaries with what seems to be a literal translation of the Chinese term, possibly the original meaning of the word. Not a very pleasant term.


maganona August 31 2007, 21:23:23 UTC
Ahm... Futanari is not exacly a shemale. It's rather a hermaphrodite, intersexual or smth alike.


shemale September 8 2007, 19:10:27 UTC
Not always. A lot of them are drawings of women with dicks, balls, and no vag.

And "intersex" (or intersexed, or intersexual) is the preferred nomenclature now.


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