If you still want the tattoo, muckfuck's translation will do. You might do better to do some famous Latin quote on the subject though, such as:
Fuit Ilium "There once was Troy" (i.e. even great empires fall) Memento mori "Remember you are mortal" (well, literally "remember to die") Ultima forsitan "Perhaps this is the last" Πάντα ῥεῖ "Everything is in flux" (..."and nothing stands still." And yes, um, that's not Latin ;) )
There's probably some choice quote even closer, but nothing leaps to mind at the moment.
Rather Dele ut reponas or better yet dele ut denuo proscribas. But the reason I didn't just do that is that I'm not a member of this comunity, let alone an op, so I can't delete the anonymous post.
I like some of those! Thank you for your suggestions, I will definitely consider some of them! I'm so happy that no one has been mean to me yet, is that silly? I opened my inbox to all these replies and figured half of them would be "you are some kind of dumb-ass." or something worse, but everyone's been really helpful on here!
Heh, the phrase in my icon, rem acu tetigisti is a Roman idiom equivalent to "you've hit the nail on the head." The literal translation, though, is "You've touched the thing with a needle." It just occured to me what an appropriate tattoo that would make ;)
If you still want the tattoo, muckfuck's translation will do. You might do better to do some famous Latin quote on the subject though, such as:
Fuit Ilium "There once was Troy" (i.e. even great empires fall)
Memento mori "Remember you are mortal" (well, literally "remember to die")
Ultima forsitan "Perhaps this is the last"
Πάντα ῥεῖ "Everything is in flux" (..."and nothing stands still." And yes, um, that's not Latin ;) )
There's probably some choice quote even closer, but nothing leaps to mind at the moment.
so I can't delete the anonymous post.
D'OH! I knew that!
I'm so happy that no one has been mean to me yet, is that silly? I opened my inbox to all these replies and figured half of them would be "you are some kind of dumb-ass." or something worse, but everyone's been really helpful on here!
Heh, the phrase in my icon, rem acu tetigisti is a Roman idiom equivalent to "you've hit the nail on the head." The literal translation, though, is "You've touched the thing with a needle." It just occured to me what an appropriate tattoo that would make ;)
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