The sounds of languages

Jun 03, 2007 02:09

Well you know, every language has its own unique sound. Unfortunately, if you speak it natively you can't hear it. So this is a thread for descriptions of languages from non-native speakers :) I was inspired to start this when a girl asked me today to describe German to her. I haven't heard a lot of German, but I said to her... it has a lot of "sh" sounds, and a lot of rounded vowels. It's like the speaker is rolling the words around in their mouth.

Now, it's incredibly late and I need to go sleep, but I might post more tomorrow. In the meantime, share your impressions! Oh and I think it might be easier to follow if you kept it to one language per comment (though you can go ahead and post several times in a row) and then anyone who wants to describe a language replies to the original comment for that language.

Oh yeah... anyone care to describe English and Mandarin? ;)
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