Mar 26, 2007 17:18
Hello, I know there have been a couple of posts recently about Hindi, so I almost hate to ask, but...I'm looking for advice.
Right now I've had almost a year of college Hindi, but, I would like to become fluent--and I would like to learn more over the summer (yes I'm a nerd). I know in the last couple of posts people have given suggestions, but I'm a little worried-I'm kind of in an intermediate stage-I certainly don't mind reviewing things I've already learned, but I would like to learn new parts of the language as well.
So, do any of you have suggestions as to good mid-beginner/intermediate Hindi resources?
(We do everything in the Hindi script, so, do that's fine :) and I honestly don't mind spending money-I know Rosetta Stone programs are supposed to be good, but I'd rather not buy it and have it be all stuff I've already learned)
Right now we've learned: commands, present, future, simple past, and present/simple past continuous verb tenses, I don't know if that helps.
Thank you so much!