I hope advertising another (relevant) community is allowed in this community. If not, please accept my apologies and feel free to delete this.
dailycharacter posts one new Chinese character each day (traditional and simplified forms are both given, if they differ), along with its pronunciation, sample words it occurs in, etymology and (sometimes) supplemental information like a stroke-order animation, mnemonic, etc. Characters are grouped by themes (usually organized by a common phonetic element) and a "quiz" is given at the end of every theme (usually 10-15 characters) for self-testing. Membership is open, but posting is only by the moderator.
Sample Entry:
Current Theme: Characters with the phonetic 兆 zhào (omen)
tiào (tiao4) to jump
- commonly found in the compounds: 跳舞 tiào wǔ (tiao4 wu3), "to dance"; 跳躍 tiào yuè (tiao4 yue4), "to jump"; 跳傘 tiào sǎn (tiao4 san3), "to parachute"
- etymology: semantic-phonetic compound; phonetic is 兆 zhào
- radical: no. 157 足 (foot) (zú) (zu2) (足字旁)
- mnemonic: the feet (足) in response to the omens (兆) should jump (跳)
- total strokes: 13
- frequency: 861st most common character in Chinese
- simplified form: identical
- hear pronunciation
- stroke-order animation:
Thanks for reading!